Saturday, Jan 01, 2005 at 15:31
Welcome back, Royce, and happy new year. Willem's "Happy New Year" post of a couple of days ago, will give you a precis of life with EO, for 2004.
We have an open, 4-6 horse gooseneck, and it does the job
well enough, though you get what you pay for!!! Does save our UD truck from being knocked around, just carting horses while mustering. Stability is a strong point with g'neck set-up, probably a lot more stable than a trailer/float type unit.
Tow the g'neck with a n/a 79 series tojo, and it is adequate, but no speedster. Never had it on bitumen, but would suggest the speed limit might be a long term dream. The 79 series turbo would be a different prime mover altogether.
Friends have a g'neck with c'van type fittings at the front. We saw this last Sept, and impressed with the comfort, and room(for 2), plus float space. They even have a Porta-Potti! They also have TV, water pump, and external shower. They were towing theirs with an F250. Would expect that luxury would only be governed by depth of your wallet, or your Wife's handbag.
Only cautionary tale would be, from our experience(with
young staff), is that it is really a small semi-trailer, and to drive accordingly. We have a couple of
gate posts around the place that wear the scars of the near side mudguard, when "they" have turned too tight, or not bothered to look in both mirrors, while going through the gateway.
Only drawback for around Oz, would be the weight of the trailer, if you didn't take the horses.
Good luck with the purchasing..