Boating forum

Submitted: Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 13:32
ThreadID: 19430 Views:6787 Replies:9 FollowUps:11
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Thanks guys for the caravan forum now I'm after a boating forum, any ideas????

I'm trying to decide on a boat to tow behind the patrol into a range of places include remote locations like Cape Melville. Only for the two of us, I'm thinking no more than 14 foot and all up cost no more than $10. Mostly in estuaries but maybe to close reefs or islands (very close). Trailer would need to be top notch I guess.
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Reply By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 14:07

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 14:07
Hello Austravel. If you can find a 14 foot boat and motor and trailer for $10.00 you are "the man"! ;-)

As for what sort of boat maybe one of those barra punts may be ideal. flat bottom but very stable when standing near the edge.
Sorry I cannot be more helpful but I don't get to go fishing much.

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)
AnswerID: 93400

Follow Up By: Austravel - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 14:12

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 14:12
Forgot the "k". $10k.

But I'm guessing you already know that.
FollowupID: 352390

Reply By: Member - Bob K (QLD) - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 14:27

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 14:27
Hi Austravel,
We have a Quintrex 385 Explorer (3.85m) with a 15hp Yamaha 4 stroke on a Redco sportsman trailer with 14" wheels and just love it. Very stable boat that can stand some rough stuff as well.

The Quintrex Explorers are well worth looking at as is the Stessel Edgetrackers.

bob k
AnswerID: 93403

Follow Up By: Austravel - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 15:28

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 15:28
Hi Bob K,

Thanks for the reply, is the above boat reasonable smooth in rough water? The last boat I had near jarred my teeth out in rough water. Do you thkink the sportsman trailer would be good enough for the rough roads in FNQ and NT???
FollowupID: 352403

Reply By: Member - Bob K (QLD) - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 16:55

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 16:55
Depends I guess on what you call rough. The explorer is a flat bottom vee boat designed mainly for rivers, estuaries and dams and ours performs well in these areas with winds up to around 15 - 20 knots. It certainly smoother than any other flat bottom I have ever been in.

I think the trailer would be ok. Ours has done some time around the dams in central queensland where the access roads can be a bit sus at best.

Hope this helps,
bob k
AnswerID: 93412

Follow Up By: Austravel - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:11

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:11
Thanks Bob K.
FollowupID: 352526

Reply By: Member - Crazie (VIC) - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 19:06

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 19:06
G'day Austravel

We have a Stessl edged V, 3.9 with a 30hp tohatsu. It is a great boat, easy for 2 people to launch and retreive. Very stable boat, we have used it in the bays, rivers and off the north beach of sandy cape fraser island. Got it all for just over 5K. We also looked at the quintrex, awesome boats.
AnswerID: 93430

Follow Up By: Austravel - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:12

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:12
I keep hearing Quintrex are the boats to get at the moment.

Thanks for the advice.
FollowupID: 352528

Reply By: greghud - Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 22:22

Sunday, Jan 16, 2005 at 22:22
you will need to check the trailer ( its usuly the last thing you think of when buying a boat! ) may i sugest that if u are doing some serious off road work with the trailer then look at getting the trailer custom made it will be more expencive but you wont beleave the amount of horror storys going round op here bout people with weak trailers. the things getting halfway to the fishing spot and fallin to bits boats commin off allong the corrigations at 80ks, not pritty! usuly results from the trailer being under strenth or rusting from inside. the galv dip seams to be very thin on the dime a dozen brands from south.
i built mine myself with help from my mate (boilermaker) 75 by 50 box 4mm single galv springs welded guides etc.... VERY solid yes it weighs a bit more but an extra 100 kgs isnt much realy and this thing will last. also the guys at darwin galvinising did a exelent job there must be 2 mm of galv on the thing!! so rust (hopefuly) wont be a prob for a while.
the best part bout makin the trailer myself is the thing can be exactly as i want walk way etc.... and its made to fit MY boat not every boat.
as far as boats the flat botoms are ok if ONLY on flat water but first sign of chop and they are prity uncomfortable best bet is plate aluminium v nose at the least but there gose the 10k there so maby the qunnie v nose? its flat at the back but still has the front cutting edge and will soften the ride theres plenty of models and brands and they all seem prity good so i spose see if you can give a few types a trial and see how they ride.
the motor is a funny one the 2 stroke ones are cheaper to buy and service (i do mine myself so its real cheap) and the 4 strokes NEVER end op paying forthem selves fuel and serviseing so my advise, dont get sucked in to the salesmans crap bout the 4 strokes yes quieter yes less smoke yes less fuel but you probably never need more than the 25ltr tank that they supply running to and from the ramp you only go flat stick anyway and the smoke is minimal in the injected 2 strokes. mines a tohatsu and its exelent plenty of power and not that noisy for the cost i get just asmuch fun out of her as the next bloke with a 4 stroke and i get the saving in costs
hope that helps, greg
AnswerID: 93477

Follow Up By: Austravel - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:16

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:16
Thanks for the indepth response. Your right with the trailer, it's the thing that concerned me the most so I might do what you did and make my own or get it built. At least you know there has been no shortcuts. Starting to find out the same as you've said about the 4 strokes and the price is a bit tough.

What's your opinion on leaveing the motor attached when traveling??? Did you use rollers or runners for your boat trailer??

FollowupID: 352529

Follow Up By: greghud - Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005 at 15:43

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005 at 15:43
sorry i havent got back to you sooner but been busy.
anyway the trailer has skids up the sides and rolers in the guts the rolers take the weight of the boat the skids just support and guide it as it rolls on and keep it stable as you travel.
re the motor, yes leave it on the back but get a leg support for it they are detachable from the trailer and are cheap and take 20 mins off the loading unloading of the boat at the ramp. the boat is strong enough for the moter but if unsupported you will crack the mounts or the transom.
also at arround 14 ft you will want a 20 to 30 hp and they weigh HEAPS so leave it on the back but just support it also trim it down as far as practical during transit it will move less that way.
the quinnies are about 1 in every 2 boats sold in oz so they must be ok but dosent meen that the other manufatures are crap coz most if seen are exelent
good luck you will have to tell us what you got.
FollowupID: 352899

Follow Up By: Austravel - Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005 at 17:09

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005 at 17:09
Thanks Greg, I was hoping I could leave the motor on a mate and his father take their's off and it's a lot of work. After all the views from people and checking out the quintrex site I'm thinking of the quintrex hornet trophy. Still not sure but this one looks pretty good, dearer than I wanted to spend as I'd still need a full cover to reduce dust and a top for shade.
Thanks again.
FollowupID: 352919

Reply By: ev700 - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 02:08

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 02:08
Boating forum:
As you know, 14ft is not for open seas or bays. 'Punt' (blunt ended or flat bottom) styles are not suitable for chop or rough water. Stessl make some solid dinghies under 4metres. If you are going to remote places and intend to slip out to islands, get a two-stroke to the max recommended HP rating for the hull. Nothing like a bit of wind and wave to slow up a boat that is under powered. Yamaha are common and reliable but there are others.

Don't forget to price in the safety and ground equipment and bimini. An EPIRB could be useful if in remote areas.
Have fun
AnswerID: 93508

Follow Up By: Austravel - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:17

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 10:17
Thanks ev700,
Will check out the site you gave. good idea about getting the max hp motor for the boat.
FollowupID: 352533

Reply By: Member - Tim - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 13:03

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 13:03
Try this site as well for the chat boards -

I changed some time ago from a quintrex 13ft v-nose punt to a 16ft fibreglass because I got sick of getting wet and banged about in the smaller one even in chop that was only fairly small. However I don't think the glass boat I have now would be ideal for remote areas as they are not as tough as a tinnie for the trip. The new hull shapes in the tinnies are much better, there are things like the hornets in the quintrex or the various flared bow type shapes that improve the ride dramatically. Price gets right up there with some of these though.

I would also echo the recommendation for Tohatsu as I used to have the 25/30 on the tinnie and have just changed to one of their fuel injected 90s on the current boat. Reliability is the key and the Tohatsu is legendary for that.

Another option would be something like the porta-bote which is a foldup boat. They now come in a 14ft and I think you can put a 15hp on them. If you are only in the estuaries I think they would be great and can be carried on a roof rack very easily.


AnswerID: 93586

Follow Up By: Austravel - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 14:38

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 14:38
Thanks Tim.
FollowupID: 352589

Reply By: DARREN - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 13:44

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 13:44
Hi Austravel,

I too have a 3.85 explorer with a yamaha 25 (2 carb model) 2 stroke, geat boat and super stable but notwithstanding bob's comments I think not suited to where you want to go. I took mine to cape york in 2003 and whilst it is great for lakes, rivers and estuary if you want to go further than a few hundred metres off shore it is not suited. Unfortunately we were unable to get out to islands out from Bathurst heads due to (typical) weather up there and the prevailing winds that come up daily, likewise around weipa. Personally I would go the traditional style hull rather than v nose punt. Regarding trailer, yes you will need a "proper" off road one and if you can making your own would be a good idea, you can have rollers under solid rail down the centre but suggest skids on sides so there is nothing to pop through floor.
Re motors, for price I think 2 stroke although because we troll a lot in lakes down here my next motor will be a 4 stroke. Everyone has their views but personally depnding upon hull choice I think you can't go past yamaha 2cyl, 2 carb 25 or 3cyl 3 carb 30 which run on 100:1 oil so much less smoke and very smooth if you do troll. (no to be mistaken with budget CV models).

As suggested I would post question on fishnet re hulls alternatives.


AnswerID: 93592

Follow Up By: Austravel - Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 14:38

Monday, Jan 17, 2005 at 14:38
Thanks Darren.
FollowupID: 352590

Reply By: RedGibber - Tuesday, Jan 18, 2005 at 21:29

Tuesday, Jan 18, 2005 at 21:29
Agree with Darren's response re replacing side wobble-rollers with slides. My BIL went to Steep Point (WA) a couple of years back, and a wobble roller sheared the split pin and fell off with the result that the roller "holder" worked its way thru the hull on his Quinnie 500 Seabreeze.

We reckon these arrangements should be changed so that the roller holders are threaded and allow for a Nylock nut to keep the wobble-roller on.
AnswerID: 93848

Follow Up By: Austravel - Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005 at 11:01

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2005 at 11:01
Thanks redgibber, will keep that in mind when I getting a trailer. All this helps to reduce the chances of dramas when you least need it.
FollowupID: 352873

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