"SAKURA" brand aftermarket filters
Submitted: Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00
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Has anyone out there used, or have any knowledge about the "SAKURA" brand of filters. Their website appears to say that they make fiters for a range of company's such as Fleetguard and I think Donaldson, as
well as being OEM for Hino and Izuzu. Positives or Negatives would be appreciated.
Reply By: Member - Peter- Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00
Stan, I've been using them on a diesel troopy on and off for years, they 'appear' to be exactly the same as the genuine toyota filters but at lesser cost. I cut an oil filter open and compared it to a genuine one and there was no difference that I could see.
Reply By: Derek - Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00
Stan, I used Sakura filters for many years in the trucking industry and only had 1 fail (it sprung a minor external leak). Despite this I still felt they were a 'cheap' filter. It would not surprise me that they make filters for the big companies (Ryco do it for GM and Ford in this country), but your mentioning of Hino surprises me, as they are the truck division of Toyota, and I was reading in Truck and Bus some years ago that Toyota were taking them to court for 99% duplicating their packaging and Toyota lost! I always prefered Fleetguard. Hope this helps.