Manual Tyre Pump - where can I get one?

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 09:25
ThreadID: 19808 Views:10077 Replies:10 FollowUps:2
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With the Flinders Trip looming in the next 5-6 weeks I would like to add a tyre pump to my gear. Buying too many things at the moment to afford a compressor, but would like to have something to pump up the tyres in case of a flat etc.

Can anyone tell me where you can get a manual tyre pump in the Melbourne area? I imagine it would be similar to the hand pump i used to use on the old BMX!

Thanks in advance...

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Reply By: Top Cat - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:00

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:00
Hi mate, I havent seen one on the shelves for many years but thats not to say they arent there.

I used to own one and it was operated by foot.

I suspect they would be about the 20 dollar mark which is about the same for a cheap compressor so you might as well get one of them..........actually if u look on Ebay u may get one even cheaper.

AnswerID: 95095

Reply By: Member - Davoe (WA) - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:05

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:05
any automotive store should sell at least 2 kinds, hand and foot pumps. As a compramise there are some 1/2 decent 12v pumps for around $100. I was in the same situation as you about 5 years ago and couldnt stretch to a blue tongue so I bought a truck air compressor. Air cooled and will run continously very reliable just slow
AnswerID: 95097

Reply By: Member - bushfix - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:06

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:06
G'day Marko,

a hand pump for a 4wd?!! Ye Gods!

if you are after a 'manual' pump then you might want to look at the foot operated ones. You can get dual or single cylinder models from Big W, K Mart etc. probably Super Cheap also. Dual Cylinder models are around $40 I believe.
AnswerID: 95098

Follow Up By: Marko - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:12

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:12
yeah yeah i know... but I haven't had a flat before so I may be lucky... just want to be prepared :)
FollowupID: 353921

Follow Up By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 21:49

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 21:49
Remember that you will NOT be able to reseat a tubeless bead with a manual pump. Tubes are fine, but more subject to sudden blowout and loss of control, than tubeless that tend to go down a little more slowly.

If you are heading outback, an absolute **necessity** is a compressor that is capable of the flow rate necessary to reseat a bead in an otherwise fine tyre.

It'll seem worth it when you don't have to wait for hours for someone else to help you out, or spend 20 mins out in 40+ degrees C busting a gut (wasting otherwise precious water) pumping up your tyres.

Spend the money on something can do without some of the "little luxuries".

BTW,you have been just lucky, my worst effort was two flats in about 100 yards (one staked through the sidewall - rightoff, and one bumped off the rim). This was on a relatively "made" road in the Snowy Mountains.

BASIC RECOVERY GEAR!!!! You should be self sufficient........a decent one is only about $200-300, how much is an enjoyable holiday worth???
FollowupID: 354042

Reply By: paul v - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:32

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 10:32
Go to any decent bike shop and ask for a Blackburn or other reputable branded floor pump.They are mostly all equipped with pressure gagues and are dual valve compatable. In NZ you will pay about $120 retail..Yep they work fine as the mountain bike tube is the same valve is your truck...A couple of minutes of pumping will get you mobile..WAY quicker than any cheap electric compressor.. Iv'e used one for years..

Cheers PV
Auckland NZ
AnswerID: 95105

Reply By: Bob Y. - Qld - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 13:02

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 13:02

At least you'e being prepared, and think how fit you'll be, at end of the holiday!

Used to be a tyre pump called Dead-Eze, that was available with either 1 or 2 barrels. The single barrel was easy to use, and had a triangular base, to stand on, and a square wooden handle at the top. The 2 barrel article, pumped a lot more air, but was heavy work. Just occurred to me that they were made by REGA.

Knew a stock inspector in Alice Springs, back when they all used holden utes. To get over the sandy country around there, he would let both back tyres down, then use 2 hand pumps together, to bring both tyres back to road pressures. Built 'em tough in those days.

Seen it all, Done it all.
Can't remember most of it.

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AnswerID: 95128

Reply By: Member - Jimbo (VIC) - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 18:55

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 18:55

Those cheapo $20 jobs work well but are slow and last for years when only used occassionally. If you're worried about it breaking, buy two.

Or you can invest in a reasonable cheapie, $70 from Big W. They pump tyres from 15 psi to 35 psi in 5 minutes. For irregular use I find it great. It will do 4 tyres (20 minutes constant running) without getting very hot. For the limted amount of times I use it I couldn't justify $300 for a good one. Sounds like you are in the same situation.

It's got to be less work than a manual pump. Believe me, I've tried to pump a tyre with a cheap foot pump and it's no fun.

Good Luck,

AnswerID: 95193

Reply By: Muddy 'doe (SA) - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 20:22

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 20:22
Hi Marko,

I like your thoughts about being prepared for a flat but consider this: If you are doing ANY of the trails off the main tourist routes in the Flinders (and if you are in a 4WD in the Flinders you WILL be tempted) then you may encounter some fairly harsh sharp gravel roads. Even some of the main roads north of Wilpena have sharp gravel and many a puncture is to be had.

In this case it will be to your advantage to let about 10psi of pressure out of your tyres to help prevent punctures by making the tyres softer and able to deform over sharp stones and gravel.

If you do this then you will be there for a long time and expend much sweat in pumping them back to highway pressures with a hand or foot pump! Invest in at least a slow but cheap compressor as stated in the other replies and then you will have the ability to inflate tyres easily. If it is taking a while then break out the gas stove and have a coffee break or a cool drink from the esky.

If you reduce your tyre pressures a bit in the Flinders then you will be much less likely to get a flat in the firrst place (more money saved!). If it is too much hard work to inflate them then you will be discouraged from deflating them.

Hope this tip helps!

AnswerID: 95229

Reply By: Member - Bernie. (Vic) - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 20:23

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 20:23
Hi Marko get at last a cheap compressor suitable for a 4wd tyre, not sure where you are travelling in the Flinders, but the roads / tracks can be very rough and rocky so you will need to drop the pressure in your tyres to start with.
If you are not with at least 1 other vehicle you should consider a second spare or at least a spare case a the gear to fit it.

Cheers & safe travelling
AnswerID: 95230

Reply By: Eric Experience. - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 22:52

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 22:52
There are hand pumps that are useless, but there are some very good ones, as stated before the Rega Dead Easy is one of the best, you can find them in markets and swop meets, a good hand pump is better and more reliable than a cheap electric. On trips were we have had both we found the hand pump was faster because you dont have to fiddle with wires and hoses. the guy with the hand pump had reaired one tyre by the time the compressor was set up. Len Beddell did not use a preasure gauge he just counted the pumps on his rega. The way you identify a rega is by the rod, the ordinary pumps have a 6or8 mm rod going up to the handle, the rega has a 25mm brass rod [hollow] and the handle is a sqaure wooden block. If you find one it will have a worn out leather washer, I have the tooling to make the washers so if you get one I will give you a new washer. Eric.
AnswerID: 95281

Reply By: Marko - Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 08:01

Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 08:01
Thankyou all for your input! I think my decision is to buy a compressor.... i'll just have to hide it from SWMBO and hope i won't have to use it at the Flinders.... then imagine how much fun the holiday will be... it doesn't matter that I've fixed and pumped up the tyre and saved us from being stranded in the outback... i spent some dosh without telling her....

oh my goodness....

(Still looking forward to the trip though)

Thanks again everyone!!!
AnswerID: 95313

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