Diesel fuel price

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 12:52
ThreadID: 19816 Views:4123 Replies:8 FollowUps:3
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Bjorn, with post 19780 has again raised what many forum contributors consider to be an unfair impost on private diesel fuel users in this country. With more baby boomers retiring and desiring to travel this wide land of ours this unjust pricing discrepancy will limit retirees' joy. Careful consideration must be given to destination choices. Many great places will surely be deleted from their itineraries as they count the dollars. As a consequence, businesses in these places will miss out on lots of tourist dollars. Aussies travelling in their own country, spending dollars in our country rather than overseas one thinks would be a good thing. On our last trip we met some caravanning retirees on the road who factor in the wind direction before beginning the next leg of their journey so as to make their retirement funds last longer.
I ask that Exploroz Forum maintain this diesel price topic as a current post at the top of the board in the hope that we can some way achieve at the least, price equity with unleaded petrol.
Michael DRC

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Reply By: muzzimbidgie - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 13:38

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 13:38
While fueling up this morning (suburban Perth) I noticed that the bowser next to me was for kerosene !

Imagine my dismay when I saw that kero costs 91.9 c/L, yet diesel, which would sell at 1000 times the quantity, is 14 c/L more.

Not only is it upsetting that the fuel companies try to tell us that diesel costs us more because not so may people buy it, but I get really "peeeed offff" knowing that very little goes into the production of diesel and kero, compaired to petrol.

EXTORTION !!! plain and simple.


AnswerID: 95133

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 14:17

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 14:17
So what do you think having 1, 2, or 1000000 threads on it will achieve?

If anything (not that petrol companies will give ableep), you have to tell THEM you are dissatisfied, not the few 100 on here.

Then when PETROL prices rise, and they blame 4wd's for it, who do you think they will like/or believe?
AnswerID: 95141

Follow Up By: Member - muzzgit - Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 00:05

Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 00:05
Hey truckster, good to see you're still around. I hadn't seen your candeur for a few weeks.

P.S. did you still have that tow hitch ?

I asked on here about the one made in QLD and you said you were thinking of selling the one you had.


FollowupID: 354060

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 00:24

Friday, Jan 28, 2005 at 00:24
The Hyland?? yea sittin here still... LOL..

yea will sell it, will call the dude tomorrow see what A new 1 is worth, then go from there
FollowupID: 354061

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Saturday, Jan 29, 2005 at 23:04

Saturday, Jan 29, 2005 at 23:04
$100 + post its yours.
FollowupID: 354345

Reply By: cruiser - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 14:29

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 14:29
Sometime late last year, I expressed my concerns regarding fuel prices etc to this forum and asked "How much longer are we going to take this"

I have done a search for my post, but cannot seem to find it, so I will recap a bit.

My concerns were:

1. Why is it that as soon as the price of crude went up, we had an increase in prices at the bowser immediately, and yet, why is that when the price of crude dropped to mid $40 per barrell and there was not an immediate decrease in price at the bowser.
2. Why does diesel cost as much at the bowser, when in fact it is a by product of the refinery process of petrol. Surely we are being ripped off.

I then went on to say that maybe we as a forum could possibly start some sort of embargo (just like the UN on Iraq) by either not buying fuel, which is really not possible, or bombarding our politicians (probably a lost cause) or writing to the fuel companies (also probably a lost cause) telling them of our concerns.

I really dont know which is the best way to go. I am not an activist or aligned with any political party nor am I an organiser of any kind.

All I know is that I am a user of fuel just like everyone else and I am sick and tired of the blatant rip off that the fuel companies and the government have pulled on us.

Lets face it, it is a win win situation for the fuel companies and the governments if you can put the price up overnight of the fuel that is already in the tanks and bought at a lower price, and then at the other end of the scale, keep charging premium prices for the fuel in the tanks for weeks on end after the price has dropped by $5/10 per barrell, and all the time, we the motorist is paying paying paying.

Now I have to say that very few people in this forum seemed to agree with me at the time and I found that a little strange to say the least.

Surely we are all in the same boat. I can't be the only one who thinks like this or who can afford to be taken for granted, but the replies I received seemed to indicate that I should just cop it sweet. As a reult, I just dropped the subject, and now it appears as though others have caught up with my thinking, which is great, but the question remains " What are we going to do about it"

I will tell you the answer.


We can jump up and down as much as we like, but we will get nowhere because we have let this happen. In the past we have all remained silent and done nothing about it and the fuel companies and the government have realised that they can get away with it. We have made our bed, and I am afraid we now have to lie in it as the saying goes.

AnswerID: 95142

Reply By: Wombat - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 14:42

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 14:42
At the risk of being drawn and quartered I must profess to a certain sense of ridicule at the hypocrisy evident when the pro diesel argue vehemently about the advantages of a diesel fuelled vehicle over one powered by petroleum in a thread requesting comparisons, including cost efficiency attestations, and then complain that diesel has an unfair impost which lessens these supposed savings.

It seems to me the Great Australian Whinger is alive and well!

Now. . . picture in your mind a wombat going from one side of your monitor to the other, like the ducks in the arcade games at the fair, just waiting to get shot down.
AnswerID: 95144

Reply By: Bob of KAOS - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 15:03

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 15:03
Diesel costs more than petrol in UK and USA too.
AnswerID: 95147

Reply By: michael - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 18:05

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 18:05
My personal protest has for years been to shop exclusively at the GULL whose prices consistently consider diesel users. I shop at the GULL even if my wife has shopping fuel vouchers. My work colleagues who own diesel cars do the same and we extend the protest to filling up the Big Red Truck at the GULL even though we have cards for two others. I suppose it sounds pathetic to some but if lots of people did likewise then someone might notice. Great journeys begin with very small steps, grasshopper.
AnswerID: 95182

Reply By: Pezza - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 19:59

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 19:59
Ahh, the fuel price debate continues, what can we do about it? "nothing" you say, I think not! Lets think for a moment of how many of 'WE' there are and how many of 'them' there are. A little while ago we recieved an email that we think was a great idea and now abide by whenever possible. We can't just stop buying fuel, we know that and they know that, what we do have control over is WHERE we buy that fuel. If everyone that reads this stops buying fuel at the green and gold and the white and blue beginning with A, and those same people tell their neighbours or two friends to do the same thing then eventually these two companies will start to hurt where it counts, in the back pocket.
Hopefully this will cause a price drop in an effort to gain some bussiness back from their rivals. I know that the numbers may not seem that big as you are sitting here reading this by yourself but modern technology is a wonderfull thing, you are utilising it right now, as are thousands of others. As the saying goes "united we save, divided we pay"!
AnswerID: 95220

Reply By: rickwagupatrol - Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 22:21

Thursday, Jan 27, 2005 at 22:21
one problem with all of this,,,,get your fuel from wherever you like,,,,it all comes from the same source,,,,,,at least in W.A.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the good ole green and gold.

AnswerID: 95258

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