Question for the Chef's
Submitted: Saturday, Feb 12, 2005 at 17:29
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Member - Nobby
We have a Cobb Cooker and wish to make Bread. We have purchased some Redi-Mix bread. Is this Ok in the Cobb, or can you only make damper. Any instructions welcome.
Reply By: Member - Andrew (Bris) - Saturday, Feb 12, 2005 at 18:37
Saturday, Feb 12, 2005 at 18:37
The Cobb is great for bread. Add anything you like from cheese, to olives or tomatoes into the mix for something different. I haven't heard of Redi-Mix, but have used all sorts of bread mixes.
Be careful not to burn the bottom of the bread. We lift the baking dish up off the plate a little to help the heat circulate.
What you add to the bread has no limits.
The Cobb's a great bit of gear. I've spent the last four weeks in Isa with a work crew, and they'll swear the best meals we've had are the roasts I've done on the Cobb.
Reply By: Dodgy - Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 at 09:17
Sunday, Feb 13, 2005 at 09:17
Gidday All, i just picked my cob up yesterday and cooked a magnificent pork roast, It came out superb. Tried my hand at the instant bread on page 40 of the cob
cook book but didn't have brown onion soup powder so i substituted it for brown onion gravy but not so much of it.. it turned out a little blahh for me.. i think it must have been the gravy stuff.. other than that it looked appertising enough.. LOL
Gunna try cooking some smoked beef jerky or similar.. Any jerky rescipes for the cob would be nice..
Regards Dodgy..
Keep your whistle wet and ytour powder dry ;-)