Plastic canopies

Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 20:53
ThreadID: 20486 Views:4725 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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Just priced a plastic ute canopy from ARB. Has anybody got any comments on them compared to fibreglass.

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Reply By: redroo - Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 21:24

Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 21:24
hi paul a couple of blokes have 2 ARB canopys at work have dual cabs and they are very easy to break into and leak all you have to do is pull the back door when its locked and it opens they are not very happy with there canopys
but i have a flexiglass canopy (fiberglass) on my work ute and also on my own ute and are very happy with the canopys and they are a little harder to break into.

AnswerID: 98557

Reply By: Utemad - Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 21:53

Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 21:53
Not sure about RedRoo above but I have had an ARB canopy for about 2 years and it never leaks and has never broken and I have given it a very hard time. We had a TJM fibreglass canopy on one of our F250s and it had major leaks and you could open the tailgate with the back canopy door closed. The back window also smashed once. We only had it a couple of months and ended up returning it. Luckily we never paid for it as we withheld payment until it was built properly. A friends TJM fibreglass canopy almost fell off due to its poor mounting methods.

I'd get the ARB one everytime. I have also seen TJM advertising that they are now making plastic canopies too which is funny since they slagged off at plastic ones when I was shopping around.

I find it interesting that RedRoo has said you can open the back door when it is locked (or something like that). I can close only one lock and then pull on the other one with all my strength and it doesn't break or open. ARB changed its window style from frmaed glass to unframed glass. This was just before I got mine so maybe he has had trouble with the old type. TJM has only one central door handle and steel rods going out from it. We could flex the TJM one considerably.

Plus I think the ARB canopies look much better.

I'd go ARB again for sure.
AnswerID: 98565

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