Fule Injector Service?

Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 at 22:08
ThreadID: 20489 Views:2162 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Took my vehicle in for an interim service today. The dealer contacted me and recommended an additional fuel injection service (cost $99.00).
I said I would think about it but when collecting me vehicle I asked what exactly what the service was.
I was told it included "flushing" out all the garbage & deposits left by our standard unleaded fuels. While I can understand this to be the case, I have always used Shell Optimax in my 2004 vehicle from Day 1 and have assumed that minimal residual deposits, if any, are left.
My question is, does anyone know if this extra service is necessary given my use of premium unleaded?
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Reply By: 100 Series - Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 02:38

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 02:38
A vehicle that old should no need any injector service as yet, sound like he is trying to fund the xmas party by charging $99 for a $10 bottle of injector clean.

AnswerID: 98604

Reply By: old-plodder - Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 08:40

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 08:40
Heard of s similar thing from a friend with a 3.5l pajero who had the same question asked by his mechanic.
Also called a rail flush.
Seems the idea to is flush the rail and all parts for sediment and varnish.

To my way of thinking, if the rail is being restricted that much it makes a difference to the flow, the rails are sized too small. If there is that much sediment, the filters arn't designed properly and you are picking up dirty fuel.

Talking to a couple of mechanics, it seems to be the latest fad in the industry.

Not sure if the flush is really useful, so I would be interested in hearing other comments.
AnswerID: 98619

Reply By: Savvas - Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 11:05

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 11:05
A friend had this happen to him last year too. The car wasn't showing any signs of pinging or any other problem, but the dealer said it was "necessary".

Anyway, it was done for $70 I think. They called it a "decarb". He said it felt more responsive afterwards.

If you use fuels with higher levels of solvents such as PULP or 98, then it would be needed less often than when using normal unleaded.

PULP and 98 have higher levels of aromatics to boost the octane levels. It's the aromatics that also lead to the increased deposits. However, these are countered by the boosted solvent levels in the fuel itself.
AnswerID: 98639

Reply By: Member - Bradley- Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 15:38

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 15:38
its called upselling , and its a part of the service advisors job description, they have to try and flog you all sorts of additional crappola, of which they get a percentage cut of.

If they offer you or try to sting you for oil flush or additive - tell them they are obviously using the wrong oil if it needs that. DO NOT pay for these. It is pure profit to them.

The injector 'flushing' is also just a profit push, if lucky they pour in a can of hydrocarbons, usually nothing. DO NOT pay for this either. Tell them their filters are crap if it needs this.
If the vehicle needs an ultrasonic injector removal and clean, then its another story- totally legit maint

Optimax is one of the best fuels in aus, the other the revised BP ultimate.

Little story that may interest, a few years back a friend had his vs ute serviced at a melb holden dealer and they charged him for a fuel system treatment, first time he let it ride, but second time he asked for the reasons why, they sprouted about it protecting the fuel system from corrosion etc, keeping injectors clean, etc etc. They said it had to be done, so he got it all in writing, then got the managers in and asked them about it, same story..
Now here is the kicker - he asked if there is any way to remove the fuel cap without the key (playing dumb) and they tell him absolutely not, well he explained that he has never left the fuel cap key with them for service, only the ignition only 'service key' . They fobbed him off and he left, Straight to the solicitors office, as the vehicle had only been serviced there since new, and they charged for a service they didnt provide, and by their own information had left his vehicle vunerable to fuel system damage (screwed by their own bullshiza), he had the solicitor demand a refund of applicable charges and the spares dept provide all the parts for a complete new fuel system to be fitted by an independant party.

Well he won over them, and had a complete new fuel system fitted -tank/ lines/pump/sender/injectors & rails etc. It cost him a little in legal fees, but he reckons it was well worth it to see the looks on their faces and cost them a packet.

But as you have seen they all still try it on , inducing fear into car owners and fleecing them blind.
AnswerID: 98688

Reply By: Member - Ray C (QLD) - Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 20:58

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 20:58
Thanks everyone. Great Feedback!
I think I am richer now to the tune of $99.00
AnswerID: 98737

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