Ban 4by's? Cool Heads & Showers Needed

Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 15:19
ThreadID: 20512 Views:1570 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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This whole debate about banning 4WD's is not going to go away anytime soon. Every incident involving a 4b is going to set off another round.

We cannot be seen to be the hot headed rednecks some in the community are trying to label us as. We need to respond rationally with well reasoned arguements. Cool heads and cold showers are required.

The arguements coming from the anti 4b camp are often irrational and incorrect but they are appealing to the uneducated or unaffected majority. We must not marginalise ourselves or we will find accelerated track closures, increased restrictions to uban use and higher cost of ownership.

We must participate in the debate. But we must do so in a manner that furthers our cause not hurts it.

This is simply an appeal to be careful and considered in what we say, how we say it and who we say it to. Beacuse like it or not we speak for each other even when we claim to be speaking for ourselves alone.

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Reply By: Willem - Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 21:56

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 21:56
I always seem to disagree with you Gary :o)

Basically I say Do Nothing. There is no point in getting hot under the collar over these issues as they are of no relevance in the real life. This issue also seems to be a city based phenomena. Out in the country issues like these seldom raise an eyebrow. There is more to life than arguing about 4x4's. Very soon most cars are going to be 4x4 driven because of the traction safety aspect.

As I have mentioned before, the media dig up things which they think will annoy the public and they run with it. Those who bite only fuel the fire which in turn only produces hot air(pun intended).

AnswerID: 98754

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 23:06

Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 at 23:06
Willem I normally agree with you mate, however...
"no relevance in real life". Try telling that to the families that have to pay the extra parking fees.


"This issue also seems to be a city based phenomena". Well mate I LIVE in the city and so would the majority of users of this forum and it is a problem that we are watching grow and will soon get out of hand.

"Very soon most cars are going to be 4x4 driven because of the traction saftey aspect". That doesn't stop them making these descriminating laws as they have already got around this by saything that the vehicle has to be over 2 tonne. How would you feel, Willem if the SA Govt. said that because your Patrol is over 2t you know have to pay another $100 a year rego for no other reason than because they are attacking innocent 4wd owners?

FollowupID: 357153

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