Country Alliance at Wandin
Submitted: Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 19:22
This Thread has been Archived
Hi Folks,
I missed their stand at Wandin, and I must admit at the time I was more interested in some hardware that I was looking for.
From thier website they certainly are taking a postion of taking up the political fight for of our 4wd
well as other rural issues.
As a 4wd enthusiast I'm thinking of joining and have downloaded their form. Did others from this
forum speak to them? and what did they think of any comments made.
From thier website comments it seems they got a bit resopnse from the 4wder's overall at Wandin.
Looking forward to some feed back
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 21:11
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 21:11
I dont think anyone saw them, there is zero chat on it anywhere!
Follow Up By: Joe - Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 21:41
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 21:41
Hi Truckster,
I have never been a member of a political party, however it seems this group is prepared to take on the system and the Greens. Politics gives me no pleasure,and I never thought I would ever be considering joining a political party...but their objectives are supporting our 4wd recreational interests, standing for access to public lands and waterways.
I did note that 4wd Victoria made a short refrence to them some time ago in their magz.
But your right not much interest from forums as yet, make me wonder why?
Reply By: Member - Toonfish - Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 22:12
Monday, Feb 21, 2005 at 22:12
was looking at the stand also but like most people i went unanswered.
im sure there motives to start the part are favourable but i get very concerned when a political party is formed on these basis (which seem fair) then once in the fray are brought out and sold like cattle or the whole preference crap and take a easy option for personal or short term gain.
these people will be seen to be making judgment for all 4wd owners (and track users ) regardless if we agree in there ideals or not.
will be keeping a closer eye on this party (cant be worse than the rest one would hope!).
but then again look at the amount of people who showed up at Wombat and
Otways discussions it shows maybe we dont need a political arm as such as we are all voters and when it comes to the crunch do they really have the majority of all their constituates wishes at the forefront of a lobby campaign whe it comes down to a preference vote for other parties?
Pretty sad state the way it is all going unfortunately.
but having said that they may turn out to be the just what we all need (a
united voice !)
so what exactly does the $15 fee cost to be a member?
also loved what the WANDIN 4WD site map said about their advert!
LROCV neither approves or disapproves of this parties ideals .
or something along those lines.
Reply By: fisho64 - Tuesday, Feb 22, 2005 at 02:00
Tuesday, Feb 22, 2005 at 02:00
Beware of the minority parties, as has been said. They have no chance of getting anywhere on the mainstream issues so go around picking up the minority votes. They will inevitably sell there support to a major party in return for just one of the platforms they have spruiked. If they dont they just become an irritating squeeky voice that the general public gets tired of hearing and achieve very little if anything. Just imagine, also, if by some miracle one of these minority parties, greens, democrats, the raving loony party, beer and bong party etc etc got some REAL power, it would be a shambles.
As the saying goes, beware what you wish for, you just may get it!!