1984 L300 4x4 2lt to 2.6lt engine convert ?

Submitted: Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 17:05
ThreadID: 20778 Views:7412 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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I have canned the previous idea of converting to Diesel power. and will look closely at installing a 2.6lt that runs on unleaded, my questions are as follows
1. what sigma/pajero/ or magna would i need to find a compatable engine [year of manufacture , man or auto] to make it a bolt up install to my 5 speed box ?
2. will i also need to make or bye a body lift kit to fit the larger engine in place of the stock 2lt , and where does one find a body lift kit ?
3. will installing a 2.6 require me to visit the dept of motor reistration vehicle inspection division in Sout Australia [regency park].
4. has anyone here done this type of convetion and thinks it was worth the effort ?
The 1984 L300 4x4 i have suits my purposes perfectly, the body, trim and running gear are all in excellent condition, and i am reluctant to upgrade to delica just to gain a little horspower. we are planning a holiday over to perth early next year and to have a little more power would be just great........... but if all else fails i will stick to the 2lt and hope the wind is going the right way. :)
Mark - South Australia

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Reply By: Member - Davoe (WA) - Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 18:39

Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 18:39
I have heard this is a popular conversion although the 2.6 is thirsty. Sa (used) to have bout the slackest rego rules in oz coz alot of people there couldnt afford to keep properly maintained vehicles on the road so you should have no worries. I seem to remember the sigma came out with a turbo for a while.............. I would also check out jap importers. If it is still there there is a huge wreckers and importers at gepps cross. They sourced and fitted a 5 speed for my Nissan E20 van
AnswerID: 100168

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:53

Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:53
Davoes rite from memory, dont know the nitty gritty but I think the 2.6 goes straight into the L200 (ute) and L300 (van) which have I think the same running gear. I think a few years back it was a very common swap. Davoe, you might be thinking of the Cordia (turbo), went like the clappers, but I hadnt even thought that they might be the same motor, which they probably are now that I think about it
FollowupID: 358396

Follow Up By: theshadows - Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 at 19:05

Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 at 19:05
nope Dave is right about the sigma turbo.

born in '82 to '84 ran in very limited numbers.

the motor was a 4G63BT motor. That was sourced from the starion turbo at same time. A neighbour had one. he damn ting went like stnk..... shame it couldnt stop.

FollowupID: 358453

Reply By: Eric Experience. - Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 22:12

Friday, Feb 25, 2005 at 22:12
The 2.6 comes in 2 bolt paterns , small and large, the small will fit your gear box but you have to use your 2L clutch which means you have to use the 2L starter, The small bolt patern was used in the early Magnas, if you use a magna you will have to get a sigma motor as well to get the front housing and water pump and manifolds. the problems with the conversion are a lot less than the diesel but you still have to fiddle a bit and be carefull with over heating with the small radiator. If you want more power and less hastles fit extractors to your 2L and get the carby rejeted by an experienced tuner, that will give you about the same power as the 2.6 without the thirst. Eric.
AnswerID: 100195

Reply By: Patcher - Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 at 11:03

Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 at 11:03
Hi Mark,

We had the same model as you have and it went well for many years. We had a 2.6 installed for us by Dave Goss of Gossies conversions on the central coast of NSW. He specialises in these vehicles. He also converted the 2.6 to LPG which ran superbly, actually better than petrol.

The other modifications were, 50mm lift, 65mm exhaust system, extractors which improved fuel consumption, Swingaway rear wheel carrier,and snorkel.

We ran 10R15 Desert Duellers which meant we had to have the speedo thing changed so it registered the correct speed. This also made the gearing a bit taller so 5th gear was rarely needed except on flat roads.

Hope this helps

AnswerID: 100237

Reply By: allaussie - Tuesday, Mar 01, 2005 at 22:59

Tuesday, Mar 01, 2005 at 22:59
Mark i have a l3oo with said 2.6l in it done the lot myself it's not as hard as some people say. you will need a 2.6 from a sigma that is a auto. to over come the heating problem with this motor a three core rad will do the job you will also need the fly wheel from the 2l and the starter. you won't be able to fit exstractors to the motor due to room and height. but the con is well worth it as i have driven our van up to frasier and on bribie island. had no trouble but a locker would haved helped at landcrusier park. as for height ours had a 90mm over standard in the rear and the front bars turned right up with 1 inch cut out off the bump stop i also lowered the steering bow down an inch.also you will need the moderfi the sump or get one from a 4cly pajero. if you need more info feel free to email me regards allaussie fwd69@optusnet.com
AnswerID: 100731

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