Roast chicken in a Cobb - review pls

Submitted: Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 16:56
ThreadID: 20936 Views:12817 Replies:5 FollowUps:5
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So who has roasted a chicken (say medium 1.5kg) in a cobb and how did it go - can you get a crisp outer skin and melt in your mouth tender under the skin ?

And what is the largest size chicken you can fit in a cobb ?

And how long did it take ?

I have checked their site and it doesn't give these details.

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Reply By: iantag - Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 19:42

Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 19:42
We have cooked several (5 or more) at different times. Mostly size 16 to 18 which leaves room for roast potatoes around the side. THe trick here is to cut the potatoes smaller than you would for a normal oven so as to get them to cook & brown nicely. The method(s) we use are:
1) 7 or 8 beads - allow to turn white - water in moat
2) CHicken breast down (no foil) surround with potatoes
3) cook 40-45 minutes then put foil wrapped pumpkin in moat & carefully turn chicken (breast side up)
4) 35-45 minutes later all done / ready to serve

With stuffing use the longer times and add another heat bead.

With just a chicken size 20 would be OK. We find the turning a tricky part - easy to drop things when holding hot chicken in tongs/fork. Our first attempts with largger sized potatoes and/or putting them in at 1/2 time resulted in undercooked potatoes.

Very happy with the Cobb for this.

AnswerID: 101010

Reply By: warndu - Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 20:13

Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 20:13
We cooked a 2.6kilo chook on Monday and it was the juiciest little sucker you could imagine. It took about 2 hours with a turn half way, I squeezed some cut spuds around the chook for the last hour and they turned out great too. I was surprised at how big the chook looked in the cobb but it cooked through with no problems, suppose the semi burnt bit where the choock rests on the grill may annoy some but it tasted ok to the skin is the best bit. Even it it kills me, I'm gunna eat the skin when it taste that good. But you could use some foil at the contact points on the breast if you must but the back isn't worth worrying about.
8 beads and just over 2 hours. Cant beat it and I have cooked with camp ovens for years for small to large groups.But I'm now converted to cobb. Why Burn limited fuel out bush when all you need is 8 beads.
Regards Warndu
AnswerID: 101018

Follow Up By: D-Jack - Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 18:05

Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 18:05
But you can't stare at a Cobb, tell tales around the Cobb, warm up by the Cobb, have a red around the Cobb, poke the Cobb or use the Cobb to find your way back to the campsite in the dark. Well I guess you can do all these things but your point is taken!
FollowupID: 359146

Reply By: Pedro14 - Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 23:01

Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 23:01
Have not tried the chicken yet but while on the Cobb thought I would pass on this recipe for "Pork Scotch Fillet".

Have previously cooked a piece of Woolies Pork scotch fillet and whilst at Pottsville last week called at the butcher shop (an excellent one for those who like good meat) and asked for a small piece of PSF.

The butcher selected a piece about 1kg and then suggested I wrap it up in a piece of the rind.
Sounded good to me so he cut a piece of rind (crisscross sliced as well) large enough to wrap around the scotch fillet.
I then added part of a packet of French Onion soup around the in side of rind and
tied it up with string (from the butcher).
After the 10 heat beads had gone white I tossed in some rosemary seeds on the beads and placed the meat in cobb with lid on and water in the moat.
Cooked it for 1 1/2 hours turning at the half way mark and added the potatoes (small cut) with one hour to go and some sweet spud about 40 minutes to go. Greens cooked on stove.
At the end of 1 1/2 hours took it out .
Meat was done to perfection as were the vegies however, the rind though partially crisp had some soft sections.
I had emptied the remaining heat beads into a billy with a lid (to save for next time), when I got the idea of putting the rind in by itself.
Opened the billy and put the beads back in the cobb ,and after a while they reignited and a couple of stubbies later the rind was crisp and very delicious.
I think had i put the rind in immediately i had taken out the meat etc it may have been even tastier.
Sorry to get off the chicken thread but this meat was good.

AnswerID: 101048

Follow Up By: Member - Craig M (NSW) - Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 09:45

Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 09:45
I am just waiting for my cobb to arrive, cant wait to try it out.
How do you go about reusing the beads?
Is there some beads better than others?
And any other tips would be great.

Your fillet sounds delicious............

FollowupID: 359100

Follow Up By: Pedro14 - Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 10:17

Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 10:17
I bougth an old blue enamel billy with a lid and spooned the still burning beads into the billy and put the lid on.
Also placed the billy on a round cake tray rack which I had placed in a metal dish.
Beads are still intact, and I will reuse with some new ones next cookin.
I used "Easy-light" beads and these were recommended by the shop that sold me the Cobb.
I understand some have a kero smell about them that passes to the meat but the easy light does not have this problem.
To prompt the beads to burn I placed a small amount of metho in a sardine tin and placed this under the rack holding the beads. Ash from previous beads solidifies the metho mix in the sardine tin.

FollowupID: 359103

Follow Up By: paj - Tuesday, Mar 08, 2005 at 16:02

Tuesday, Mar 08, 2005 at 16:02
We found a lurk for getting the beads going - just put the fire basket with the beads on your gas ring. Gets them going to cooking point in about 10 minutes and you don't need firelighters.

We use an old milo tin to keep the used beads in. Just drop the lid on the burning beads - if you seal it while the beads are burning they will heat up the trapped air, then ... POP!


FollowupID: 359482

Reply By: paj - Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 23:12

Thursday, Mar 03, 2005 at 23:12
I'm starting to drool.

Has anyone put together a web site with cobb recipies?


AnswerID: 101052

Follow Up By: hedevil - Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 14:34

Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 14:34
Hi we have a cob and unfortunatley really havent used it , well once doesnt appear to be a lot of information about usage but a great start with this thread we must get motivated .max and carol
FollowupID: 359119

Reply By: jenkie - Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 18:48

Friday, Mar 04, 2005 at 18:48
This is not a chicken receipe but we have done chicken heaps as well.. One we used for xmas day and a number of times since as every one loved it, is a piece of pickle pork. Most people boil pickle pork but roasted in the cobb with water in the moat turning once or twice gives the most tasiest and jucy meat prob tastes like a glazed cooked ham. Prob camp oven would be the same but I havent tried it. Now that we wont be able to have a fire on our usual once a yearl trip to Fraser the Cobb will be used much more often.

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AnswerID: 101151

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