New beta maps for Garmin GPSr's

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 09, 2005 at 00:14
ThreadID: 21069 Views:3514 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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Just got this message on the OziExplorer Yahoo Group. Thought one or two here might still be silly enough not to be using a Magellan (bait overload :o) ) and might be interested in this. Of course if like me you use a Magellan then you don't have to worry about it - we already have good maps.... heehee.


If any Ozie users in Australia would like to test an alternative map set for
their Garmin GPS then I am happy to share a beta version of AussieTraks.
AussieTraks is a non-commercial mapset for Garmin GPS that was developed
from 1:250K data licensed from Geoscience Australia using the shareware
product cGPSmapper as provided by Stan Kozicki.

You can upload AussieTraks to any map capable Garmin GPS using any mapsource
product or alternatively using a shareware product such as SENDMAP. either
way you will not remove or damage your basemap it will remain.

If you are in Australia and are interested in testing a beta version of
AussieTraks please contact me at

I understand that keen Ozie users will not want to swap Ozie for a vector
based map set but if you would like more accurate maps than the Garmin base
maps then AussieTraks may be an alternative for you.

Even if you are not interested in testing or using AussieTraks I am seeking
any contributions of quality track logs to improve & augment the original
data. This could be track logs of freeways or 4WD tracks from anywhere in
Australia, they all will be of use.

Thanks & regards,

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

AussieTraks - the new alternative mapset for Garmin GPS

1. Garmin is a trademark of Garmin Ltd or its subsiduaries
2. AussieTraks is based on data licensed from Geoscience Australia

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Reply By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Mar 09, 2005 at 08:04

Wednesday, Mar 09, 2005 at 08:04
why would you want maps on your gps? they cant be detailed enough can they...i mean like 1;50000
AnswerID: 101683

Follow Up By: geocacher (djcache) - Wednesday, Mar 09, 2005 at 19:50

Wednesday, Mar 09, 2005 at 19:50
Mate, at full zoom I can tell you not only which road I'm on but which side of it I'm standing. I'll try and take some screen shots.

Very usefull when your geocache you are hunting is on a river bank and you want to know which side to approach from.

That's way better than 1:25K

FollowupID: 359643

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