So, who wants to play Sherlock Holmes?

Submitted: Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 19:33
ThreadID: 21152 Views:2228 Replies:3 FollowUps:8
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Here's the brief..........

I have a Canon remote control release for my 2 EOS 300 cameras. It is simply a 600 mm. cable with 2 switches on one end, and the little stereo 2.5 mm. mini jack male plug on the other end.

I wish to purchase an extension cable to use in between the remote & a camera. I DO NOT want to use plugs that convert to 2.5 mm -3.5 mm. / extension lead / 3.5 mm. - 2.5 mm.

I have searched Dick Smith, Tandy, Jaycar, RS Components. No luck.....

I would also like NOT to have to make up my own, as I will have trouble seeing the little connections.

I have seen a headset extension cable in the US, which is EXACTLY what I am looking for, but would be easier to buy here in Australia.

Length I require is anywhere in between 2 metres - 10 metres.


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Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 20:18

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 20:18
When I was in the computer industry I used to buy those leads (speaker extension leads) from Anyware PC Accessories.

If you email them they may be able to point you to a local retailer.

But honestly wolfie, I'd be makin my own it's really not too hard to do.
AnswerID: 102100

Follow Up By: cokeaddict - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 20:39

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 20:39
Hey Jeff.....he's blind a s a bat bro...... u seen him drive?

sorry wolfie, couldnt resist.
enjoy ur weekend guys
FollowupID: 359903

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 22:26

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 22:26
Looks like I'm going to have to make one up.........

Just gotta find my Weller.........

Magnifying Glass with crocodile clips.........


Desoldering gun.........

More little plugs..........

More solder..........

Maybe 20 metres of cable, this should allow me say....... 15 mistakes...... at 300 mm. each..........

1/2 bottle of bourbon to stop hands shaking.....

I think Angelo's onto me!!

FollowupID: 359916

Reply By: Matt (W.A.) - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 21:01

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 21:01
I had a bit of a scoot around and could only find this Link, Looks like a few other Eos users have made their own!

AnswerID: 102107

Follow Up By: Matt (W.A.) - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 21:09

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 21:09
P.S. I've Just become an EOS 300D Owner too, Great Camera so far had it a week.
FollowupID: 359907

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 21:58

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 21:58
Matt, you will enjoy the EOS 300D

I have had most of my success simply leaving it on manual, under exposing 1/3 stop, and shooting RAW files.

There has been a lot of contested debate on this forum about which mode to shoot in.... JPEG, TIFF, RAW etc.

RAW is as good as it gets, simple.

Photoshop CS Raw Image manipulator is damn good! I used to use CS, but have gone to Adobe.

I have some Flinders Ranges shots ( Pano's ), which were shot at 2100 hrs during January this year. Each exposure was around say 45 seconds @ F24.

After bringing up in CS, I have some wonderful shots, to say the least.

I use 3 x 512 MB CF crds, the fast ones. I have been warned off the 1 GB cards.

I also transfer to an iPod via a Belkin Reader. Apple is releasing a dedicated USB port for ALL cameras which simply allows you to connect your camera directly to your iPod, not sure if RAW is supported, but I think it is, because iPhoto's latest release allows RAW to be viewed ( not manipulated ).

Also, download Adobe's latest free offering..... RAW DNG. This is going to be the NEW benchmark for archiving all RAW files.

FollowupID: 359914

Follow Up By: Matt (W.A.) - Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 22:55

Friday, Mar 11, 2005 at 22:55
Thanks Wolfie, I’ll go get the Belkin Card Reader tomorrow as I only have one Sandisk Extreme 256mb CF card at the moment and the RAW files are rather Large! I’ll have a play with the Settings that you have mentioned and check out the results, do you know if Paintshop Pro handles RAW files? What are the Issues surrounding the 1.0gig CF Cards??

FollowupID: 359921

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 at 08:33

Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 at 08:33
Thanks Wolfie, I’ll go get the Belkin Card Reader tomorrow as I only have one Sandisk Extreme 256mb CF card at the moment and the RAW files are rather Large!

Might pay to wait for Apples adaptor late March... $30.00 Belkin Reader is $200.00 I think.

I’ll have a play with the Settings that you have mentioned and check out the results, do you know if Paintshop Pro handles RAW files?

I am not sure about Paint Shop Pro. Get it to load one in, and see.

What are the Issues surrounding the 1.0gig CF Cards??

There have been some incompatibility issues with some of the 1 GB cards & Canon cameras. Firmware is being constantly updated, but tales of woe are still being heard across photographic shops.

1 GB is a lot of photos, and it hurts if you lose the lot.

Buy 256's, or 512's, and spread the risk.

FollowupID: 359934

Reply By: greydemon - Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 at 12:47

Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 at 12:47
Hi Wolfie,

I have been a Canon user for years, and since they came out I have had a 300D. I made a big mistake when I sold my 2 EOS 100's, I also sold the remote with them. I later found that thesame remote works on the 300 and 300D. Myadvice is to forget all about the little plugs and cables, go to eBay or somewhere similar, and buy yourself an infra red remote. There are two styles and they can be picked up pretty cheaply. No cables, no connections, no hassle.

For digital cameras I recommend always having a spare CF card, even if it is only a little 16Mb. I had a failure with a 512Mb and couldn't reshoot anything, a 16Mb would at leaast have allowed me to downsize the images and get a few shots.
I have recently been away for 6 weeks to the UK and Egypt and invested in a Portable Storage Device. This stores 30Gb (available smaller and bigger), is mains or battery powered, and you just stick in your card and push a button to download the images. You then clear your card and off you go again. This saves having to find facilities to burn CDs when away from civilisation. If you lug a laptop around you can of course use that. My PSD cost around $275, not much more than a good quality 1Gb card - which I don't really like as I have heard of failures.
AnswerID: 102165

Follow Up By: Member - Russell B (SA) - Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 at 16:49

Saturday, Mar 12, 2005 at 16:49
You guys mention using Belkin reader to transfer to the IPOD. I have (don't use) a Belkin Media (card) reader and its so slow you'd think it was made by Toyota (couldn't help my self there).

How do you find the transfer speed from your cards through the Belkin reader to the IPOD?

I also have IPODSync which is magic.

PS have you seen the VolumeLogic plugin from bloody magic almost ready to pay $19.00 US for it!!!

Regards Russell
FollowupID: 359964

Follow Up By: Matt (W.A.) - Tuesday, Mar 15, 2005 at 22:16

Tuesday, Mar 15, 2005 at 22:16
G’day Russell
I just bought the Belkin Card Reader on the weekend and I believe it depends on the Card Read Speed (Correct Me if I’m wrong) I use a Sandisk Ultra 2 CF Card and I just Transferred 62 Photos with it a total of 152 mb and it took 4 ½ minutes. How does that compare to your Card Reader I transferred that to my iPod?
It’ll do me for when we’re on the road!

FollowupID: 360282

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