Monday, Mar 14, 2005 at 13:33
G'day Rob,
I bought the computer fan from Jaycar $15 ish, about 100mm dia or so, about 20mm thick square casing 12V.
Mounted it btween the casing and compressor (just fits!), drilled series of 20mm holes around where the blades are, than bolted on.
The wiring was more tricky as it sounds there slightly different in different models. But
mine was (early 90's mod) to the black box which is mounted on the wall of fridge, which along the bottom has left to right, C , T , # , F , # , + , -.
Where the '#' are, is where I hooked
mine into, being neg or pos, - cant remember, but by hooking to those ppoints allow the fan to only activate when the compressor is on (obviously the only time it needs blowing on).
The only other thing that I did different was mount in a switch (standard 240V architrave elec. switch), beside my similar freezer on/off, to be able to turn it off/on as my desire. As I found the fan to be not the quietest out there (not that I experimented with different fans), and with the wind sucking thru the holes made, was noisier than expected, thus when sitting around the campfire in the cool of the night with hearing nothing but the fire crackling, did not want to here a fan kick in, also not needing it if weather is cooler like at nite or down south.
Hope this helps...