diesel 3.4
Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 21:10
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hi we have a toyota coaster camper, it has a 3.4 diesel with a schwitzer turbocharger. A few weeks ago while driving we stopped and when restarted engine there was a loud knock upon investigation the injector heads were replaced and the vehicle went
well for abot 300 km we went to go away last weekend and the same thing happened will start great and idle as soon as some exaleration is applied this knock appears. now its back with the diesel expert and he says injectors are fine has checked compression is fine has checked top end is ok has checked inlet exhaust appears fine says could be oulet exhaust blocked, im confused same symptoms as before injector heads done he says would be the fuel pump as fuel is getting to engine and black smoke comes with the exaleration as
well as knock, any technical comments would be appreciated max and carol
Reply By: ianmc - Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 22:29
Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 22:29
I am only guessing here sight unseen as I dont know your motor but a great deal of black smoke means running too rich & risk of overheating. Maybe that makes it knock as U describe.
Reply By: Eric Experience. - Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 23:00
Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 23:00
You dont give much info on model etc but if its the old "h" motor you can get this effect if you have an air leak into the vaccum injector control. But as its not standard it may not have this control. The other possibility is the centrifical advance on the injector pump may be jammed in the full advance position. Eric.
Follow Up By: hedevil - Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 23:17
Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 23:17
sorry , its an 1983 i think its the 3B not much on mechanics. We have had it 2 years, hasnt missed a beat to this point , doesnt get anymore than a crawl at present, i would have thought it was the injectors again as same symptoms and the injectors replaced and now doing same again after only 300 km but the diesel guy says injectors are ok???????
Follow Up By: Eric Experience. - Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 23:31
Wednesday, Mar 16, 2005 at 23:31
I dont know that motor, from basic theory it is probably not the injectors and was not the first time. Injectors die slowly and not all at once. I suggest it is a very simple problem and you kneed to find a properly trained mechanic. Eric.
Reply By: fisho64 - Thursday, Mar 17, 2005 at 04:48
Thursday, Mar 17, 2005 at 04:48
has to be either injectors or fuel pump. Pump timing or advance is most likely I think, or a dripping injector. But there must be more to it than you describe as a diesel mechanic would pick that up pretty quick.