Saturday, Mar 19, 2005 at 17:35
Peter - Like most things, it depends on your needs/wants.
We do outback trips, and bought a basic unit. We needed the GPS to show where we are on a MAP.
The GPS units with full mapping are too expensive, so we bought the basic (Garmain 72) and it plugs into the laptop (or desktop), with Oziexplorer software.
With a cradle in the car, the GPS _Affordable_Storage_Drawers.aspx power from the cig lighter socket.
Most of the time it is in the car. The unit has rechargable batteries, but only needs them on the few times it is out of the 4be.
As long as it connects to a computer, you can plan a trip at
home, and upload the waypoints to the GPS. This becomes your tour guide - keeps you on track.
On return, you can download the trackpoints to your computer, and see where you went. Our unit also drops 'breadcrumbs' as you go. You can backtrack using these, if lost.
Having never had an expensive unit, possibly I don't know what I am missing.
Our basic GPS does all we want it to - and the Laptop holds all the maps.
They definately provide some mental stimulation - it was a whole new world for me to learn about..... and still learning.
So - does the Supercheap unit plug into your computer?
If yes - do you need to buy cables? (normally yes). Cost ?
Does the unit plug into your car cig lighter socket? If yes - cost of cable.
nb1 - you will need software for a GPS to work with a computer. Ozi Exlorer is a widely used GPS maping software in Australia.
nb2 - You also need maps for the GPS/Oziexplorer. NATMAP 250k Raster Mosaic is the most widely used digital maping - covers all of Aust.
Not sure what we paid, but I think around $100 each for Oziexplorer and NATMAP. I think a GPS would be of limited use without these, but the dollars do add up.
A new world................have fun................Keith.
Follow Up By: techo2oz - Saturday, Mar 19, 2005 at 19:10
Saturday, Mar 19, 2005 at 19:10
Thanks Keith,
like most new things I am cautiously venturing in. I have simple needs (for now). My simplest desire is to have a means so that when I venture out into the scrub on a hike, I can find my way back to base
camp without having to "have a couple of goes" at getting there. While a number of national parks have established tracks etc, some I do like to go to, do not. Therefore it is up to the old compass and landmarks to navigate around.
I see a GPS might be a handy additive to be able to assist in backtracking to
camp, or at the very least show I am heading the right way.
I have an Ipaq PDA and had thought about using it for this purpose as
well. Unfortunately it only has an SDIO slot and I am not sure the GPS units are available for this type of interface.
Essentially I need something portable which will tell me where I is, where I started from and how to get back. Later maps might be very handy, especially when it comes to
places I have not been to before.
Of course it is always hard to know what you want exactly when you haven't seen it before or used it. All I can go on is what I have read and what others say.
I will
check this unit out though, based on your comments, however I doubt that it will have the ability to be able to connect to PC's or if it can be, the cost of the cable will be as much as the unit costs.
Follow Up By: The Explorer - Saturday, Mar 19, 2005 at 22:41
Saturday, Mar 19, 2005 at 22:41
"Unfortunately it only has an SDIO slot and I am not sure the GPS units are available for this type of interface"
You can get SD GPS units - exploroz sells them as do a number of Ebay sellers. Set my friend up with one on a 1900 series Ipaq - limitations - memory for maps is limited to units in built memory (64mb I think) - but he was in no position to purchase a more suitable PDA (two memory card for GPS and one for maps), Also SD GPS units a a bit expensive compared to say CF units ...though depends where you get them. He is, however, happy with the set up.
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