Diesel Hybrids on the Fast Track

Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 22, 2005 at 10:43
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I picked up this article today. Normally we do't think of hybrids as suitable for 4WD, but the article says:

"DaimlerChrysler produced 100 Dodge Ram hybrid electric vehicle diesel pickup trucks in December, according to spokesman Cole Quinnell. Most of them were sold before they were manufactured, according to Quinnell."

Diesel Hybrids on the Fast Track
Hybrid vehicles -- powered by gas and electricity -- are the trendy picks for the fuel-economy crowd, but they may soon play second fiddle to the next generation of diesel cars. By John Gartner.

I've ridden several times in a Prius, and found it pretty cool. I won't be buying a hybrid for my desert trips for a while though - but the future of larger vehicles in the city may not be so bleak.

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