Hi guys,
Now thta I have your attention;
Out washing my pretty little black Prado truck (PLPT) today and once again cracked a poo poo because the Tradesman’s {TJM) rack is so low to the roof line the middle cannot be washed (
mine has mesh).
I say this because anyone contemplating the combination of a Prado and theTJM roof rack will have to come to grips with the fact, at some stage, you will need to remove it if you wish to fully wash the roof. This may also apply to other truck/roof rack combinations coming onto the market (don’t get me wrong, the TJM roof rack is very good) .
Whilst I’m on my washing soap box… Last year we went through very wet conditions in the
Kimberley. By the time I returned
home, my vehicle was more mud than PLPT. Because of urgent business commitments, it was
well over a week before I could wash PLPT.
Two things happened. During that week I experience a violent shudder in the truck above 80km. After some thought, I checked the insides of the wheels and found a huge amount of mud on the off side back wheel. Once this was removed, no further problems.
If you think bull dust is a problem to clean off, its pussy cat stuff compared to dried out red mud. No longer do I have:
• A pristine engine compartment
• Plastic highlights that I once drooled over
• A sparkling alloy bull bar
Driving lights that could detect a tic’s fart at a 1000m
If you experience these conditions, wash the vehicle as soon as possible. Otherwise you will never get it off.
Before I get assailed by all sorts of advice, this post is “tongue in cheek” and more an outlet for my own failings (Willam, don’t you dare respond to this posting).
Hope this helps some people. My old man once said; “Respect machinery son and, be very afraid of women”.