So, how did they do that?

Submitted: Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 19:48
ThreadID: 21705 Views:2543 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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Tracy & I have just finished watching SIX hours straight, on DVD, the 2003 & 2004 Outback Challenge. I was all set to watch them in installments on my laptop...... 'till she found out!

"Ian, put them through the DVD & TV, and turn on the stereo, and the subbie ( Sub Woofer ). "

Well, she IS a country girl!!!

Tell ya what, I see all my kids mates running around in little 4 cylinder jap cars, that go fast, and handle well...... but....... there is NOTHING......... nothing...... that beats the sound of those Rangies with their V 8's!

Anyway, in the 2004 installment, a New Zealand team, who come second outright, had a PTO winch on their Hilux / Surf. It was a prototype, and it looked like it was the ducks guts.

To watch this in action, was a thing of beauty. No wheel-spin, as the rate of pull on the winch, was the same as the rotation on the wheels. Made winching look...... well, easy.

I remember as a kid, we had 40 series Tojo's, and they had a PTO on the lever, along with the throttle pull knob under the dash.

We never used the PTO, but I think they disengaged the drive system... I think.....

Still, this unit the Kiwi's had looked like a winner. Anyone know anymore info on this little beauty?

The other good thing about watching the 2 DVD's, is..... it opened my eyes as to what some makes of vehicles could do, and cemented my opinions on what others couldn't.

The other cool thing I seen was the bands they use on their wheels, which stop the low pressure ( 5 psi ) tyres from rolling off the sides of the rims.

If I wasn't going west in a few weeks, I think I would have gone to Broken Hill for the 2006 challenge, along with Tracy..... well..... let's rephrase that...... Tracy takes Ian......

Oh, Venus Bay was good. Rhiannan was all set to drink her old man under the table....... she lost, she come close...... but lost.

Cheers for now....

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Reply By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 20:24

Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 20:24
G'day Wolfie...

Quote: "The other cool thing I seen was the bands they use on their wheels, which stop the low pressure ( 5 psi ) tyres from rolling off the sides of the rims. "

Mate, these are known as "Bead Locks" and are illegal for street use (not that you'd want them when tyres are at normal pressures anyway). There is another option known as "Second Air", which are an inflatable insert that goes inside the tyre (bit like an inner-tube) and holds the bead on the rim from the inside.

Just a bit of trivia for ya.....



AnswerID: 104715

Follow Up By: Davoe - Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 22:20

Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 22:20
still illegal as they need a hole drilled in rim to pump them up
FollowupID: 362053

Reply By: charlie - Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 23:43

Friday, Apr 01, 2005 at 23:43
Yeah Wolfie love those rover 8's nothing sounds better.
AnswerID: 104742

Reply By: Rosco - Bris. - Saturday, Apr 02, 2005 at 07:44

Saturday, Apr 02, 2005 at 07:44

PTO setups are still available for a limited number of vehicles. LR's for one have a removable plate on the side of the transfer case. Only one problem ... you need Bill Gates's bank account to go down that road ... heapsa ching ching $$$.

Cheers cob
AnswerID: 104749

Reply By: Kiwi Ray - Saturday, Apr 02, 2005 at 09:45

Saturday, Apr 02, 2005 at 09:45
Hi Wolfie
If you want all the info on the winch, I can get it for yo, I will be seeing him in a weeks time.
Mechanical beedlockers are road legal in NZ with an engineers cert and provided the rims are made to a drawing number.
AnswerID: 104757

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Saturday, Apr 02, 2005 at 16:17

Saturday, Apr 02, 2005 at 16:17

I am just so awe struck by this thing.


FollowupID: 362087

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