Quad bikes
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 12:18
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Capt. Wrongway
G'Day all,
I'm planning a trip for later this year and are thinking about taking a quad bike with me. I'm hopeing some one local can give me some info on a guy, located in the Penrith NSW area, who sells/sold used quads. I lost his details and all my searches come up blank.
Reply By: Swine Hunter - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 12:46
Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 12:46
Hi Capt,
I remember seeing his ads in Trading Post some time back, he was called quad repairer or something if that helps. I think he operated from
home, but from memory he was quite expensive. I was looking for 3 quads for shooting and got them privatley way cheaper than he was selling similar bikes for.
Reply By: Member - Mozza (NSW) - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 12:57
Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 12:57
captain... one of the guys from work was up past Maitland (near
Newcastle) last weekend.. and this guy had several guad bikes sitting out the front of his place for sale... he stopped and had a look.. and the owner came out and said come and have a look around the back.. and he said there over 100 quad bikes there for sale!.. mostly 2nd hand.. but several brand new ones.. and they'd all been fix/repaired by this one fellow.. maye be worth a look?.. or atleast a phone call??.. i'll try and get his details for you?
Reply By: Brad and His Disco - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 13:03
Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 13:03
The guy at Perith that Penrith, Micheal Kelly I use I could not recommend highly enough. He worked on my quad for several hours and only charged me a minimal fee.
The first time he meets you he asks you to bring the quad (obviously) and asks that you leave enough time to go over the quad with him. I have never seen someone more particluar. I dont think he does this to increase his income but to point out what needs to be done as he states wether it is urgent or can wait.
I personally will not allow anyone else to service my quad and have recommended several people know who have come back with the same recommendation.
I was a little hesitant at first going to someone who works from
home, but once there I new I was dealing with a professional that GUARENTEES his work.
The only problem I have found with him is that he doesnt work on 4wds lol.....
Follow Up By: Capt. Wrongway - Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 13:47
Tuesday, Apr 05, 2005 at 13:47
Thanks Brad, that's the gentleman I'm after. I also have only received good reports about him.
And thanks to all who replied.
Follow Up By: Capt. Wrongway - Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 at 08:56
Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 at 08:56
G'day Brad,
Do you know a current number that I can contact him on? His mobile is always "out of range", and his
home phone keeps giving a fax tone. Are you also able to confirm that his address is still the same? Any help would be great.
Follow Up By: Member - Brad (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 at 13:00
Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 at 13:00
I know he is mobile in country areas doing the work on quads. I know his address hasnt changed.
Follow Up By: Member - Brad (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 at 13:01
Wednesday, Apr 13, 2005 at 13:01
Sorry bout that kids and computers sometimes dont mix, are you close to penrith, if not Ill drop around and leave a note for him to contact me. He could be on holidays also
Follow Up By: Capt. Wrongway - Friday, Apr 15, 2005 at 19:52
Friday, Apr 15, 2005 at 19:52
G'Day Brad,
Thanks very much for all your help and your offer to call arround there. I actually live in Camden but I did drive over to the Penrith address last Wednesday, no one was
home. You may be right about him being on holidays.
Anyway .... I "bit the bullet" and bought a new one. I've never had much luck with second hand stuff anyway, usually ended up with someone else's problems. I bought a Honda TRX350TE, a very nice unit. I figured that I will be keeping it for quite some time and that I would get enough use out of it on the mates
farm as
well as a few trips away.
Thanks again,