I thought it worthwhile posting this following a discussion on a previous thread on
HF radio (post 21775).
The Federal Department of Transport and Regional
Services (DOTARS) administer Australian Design Rules (ADR’s). ADR’s are a set of minimum standards for the construction of motor vehicles covering vehicle safety and omission standards. A
check of their website lists the various ADR’s and Vehicle Standards Bulletins.
They do not concern themselves with vehicle modifications. Modifications are covered by State Governments who set the rules and regulations that are, in turn, administered by the Roads and Traffic Authorities in each State.
The fitting of bullbars and accessories on bullbars is classed as a modification to a vehicle and the standards very from State to State.
Looking at two States, Victoria and NSW highlights some differences. In Victoria if you have a private vehicle with a self-tuning antenna mounted on the bullbar you will not be able to register or re-register the vehicle. This is covered in two directives, one which covers the mounting of items on bullbars, the other clarifies the size of antennas that can be mounted in the drivers line of sight and it is quite specific on what is and isn’t acceptable
NSW in contrast has only one directive covering this issue, Vehicles Inspectors Bulletin Number 5. This bulletin deals with the fitment of bullbars and accessories on it. It provides guidance on how items are to be fitted. It does not provide any guidance on what constitutes an obstruction and importantly, it does not exclude any particular item over certain dimensions.
To date, the RTA in NSW has not been able to provide any objective basis on how they determine what is an obstruction – it is all subjective and therefore open to interpretation and easily challenged in a court of law (should the need arise).
I have tested this with a number of RTA inspection stations in NSW and have been advised that my vehicle complies with the VIB number 5 and therefore eligible to be registered despite having a self-tune HF antenna mounted on the bulbar.
Of course this could change in the future, however these are the current standards upon which you are judged in both Victoria and NSW at present – clearly both are different.
I understand you are only required to meet the requirement in the State in which the vehicle is registered.
I have sought further information on this matter from my State MP who is following it through with the respective departments and I will post any response in due course. However, these are the facts as they stand, not my personal opinion or view.