Kingoonya Pub Open

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 19:28
ThreadID: 21908 Views:2613 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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Advice on my VKS737 Adelaide base sked tonight from member Victor 989 / David - the Kingoonya Pub (just west of Glendambo) is back open, 7 days - 10 year lease. May be of interest to Goog's trackers. Hot and windy over there today - he said it was a most welcome place to hide for the afternoon - commented on the friendly hospitality.
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Reply By: Brew69(SA) - Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 19:52

Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 19:52
Open???????? Last time i went thru there it looked like a ghost town.(sad i know) Used to sell the best kangaroo metwurst know to man............and a welcome cold beer to the brewman who worked the stations in that area. Tarcoola still shut?????
AnswerID: 105920

Follow Up By: Member - Banjo (SA) - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 08:34

Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 08:34
No info on Tarcoola Brew - from memory, that may have been a more attractive option, premises wise - Kingoonya doesn't have much to recommend it as I recall - and it would be "very trying" anywhere out there in the high summer, especially with no passing traffic.
FollowupID: 363036

Reply By: GOB & denny vic member - Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 22:16

Saturday, Apr 09, 2005 at 22:16
goodday banjo
i take from the post above you were on air tonight i almost called in for a radio check but was travelling thru melb and wasnt sure if i could get you or not strange things happen could hear you 4x4 but couldnt hear st mary,s

AnswerID: 105944

Follow Up By: Member - Banjo (SA) - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 08:29

Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 08:29
Yep - I usually do Saturdays for Adelaide base - the odd sked at other times to fill in for operators on the wallaby. Call in any time for a radio check - as we get into the outback travel season it gets a bit crowded but its better to have callers than sitting there looking at the wall, listening to HF hash. Re "conditions" - every sked we do is a lottery - so many factors affect HF - distance has little to do with it - channel one is sometimes better than channel two, then vice-versa - we just take it as we find it. In my back driveway the other day (on my Barrett 950) I talked to a mobile member near Charters Towers, Charters Towers Base and Alice springs Base, plus a bloke in Mt Macedon - great coditions ! St Marys was a low copy into Adelaide last night - last week ? Just like a phoneline. Conditions !!
FollowupID: 363035

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