terlin aerials
Submitted: Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 18:19
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GOB & denny vic member
goodday all
was having a look at terlin aerials today and learnt something new when winding the wire along the aerial to
bridge out the 2 points the bridging wire should be wound clockwise
dont know why but thats what they say
Reply By: Ray Bates - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 18:33
Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 18:33
Hi Steve, Might be something to do with the earth's gravitational pull in the southern hemisphere. I don't know if you have noticed but water goes down the plug hole clockways and cyclones go round clockways.
If you were in the northern hemisphere they would have probably told you to wind it on anti clockways as the water goes down the plughole anit clockways and hurricans go round anti clockways. Only a theory on my part.
Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 19:09
Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 19:09
Called the coriolis effect.
Interesting thing............ the big weapon tower they built in Canada, was built using the slip concrete pour method, and the re-enforcing cables had to be pre stressed prior to the constant pours, to counteract the pull on the earths rotation!
Still don't know squat about your ariel though.......
Reply By: carazy merredin wa - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 19:04
Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 19:04
Hello steve, did they say to wind the wire clockwise from the bottem of the antenna or from the top of the antenna. I have also been told told that when you change the positions of the wire, not to have the wire loose, must wind wire nice & snug around the mast for best results!
Where are you going for the next big trip?
Follow Up By: GOB & denny vic member - Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 19:51
Sunday, Apr 10, 2005 at 19:51
bloody computor start typing and nothing happens somethings got a go slow on the mouse answering will have a look in a minute
anyway good point with
mine i would normally unplug the highest point and wind to new plug hole i will do it clockwise and see what happens
Reply By: Member - Banjo (SA) - Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 08:39
Monday, Apr 11, 2005 at 08:39
How about the antenna wire being wound one way makes a magnetic field - tap wire wound the other way makes opposite magetic field - one tends to cancel the other out .... Is that a theory or what ?