motezuma falls,tas

Submitted: Sunday, Oct 27, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 2228 Views:2666 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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I,ve read the trek notes for the track to montezuma falls in tas, I was wondering just how difficult the track is.I have a td prado and my friend has a new model explorer.Should we have any dramas on this track or should we take the easier route.
thanks darren
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Reply By: George - Sunday, Oct 27, 2002 at 00:00

Sunday, Oct 27, 2002 at 00:00
Hi, we went to Montezuma falls last summer and notwithstanding few boggy patches (it was just after the rain) the track was fairly easy (although not that easy as to be suitable for a 2wd vehicle as suggested by the Exploreoz rating). It is unfortunately quite narrow, which means that in addition to the possible problem of an encounter with a vehicle coming from the opposite direction (didn’t happened to us) there is always a possibility of scratched paintwork from the overgrown vegetation (did happened to us). Cheers,
AnswerID: 7913

Follow Up By: Djr - Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00
thanks heaps, would be interested to hear any other good drives that you would reccomend
FollowupID: 3681

Follow Up By: George - Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00
Try this
Link to the official Tasmanian 4wd treks
Cheers, George
FollowupID: 3718

Reply By: Anthony - Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00
I have also visited Montezuma Falls, however this was 3 years ago. I was driving an RV6 Prado, without mods at that time.
As it was fully laded with gear for four camping, it sat low in the rear.
I scraped the front protection guards, and dragged the rear tow bar on several creek crossings. I now have a TD GXL, with OME suspension (50 mm lift). This would not scrape fully laden.
However, taking care and time, the Pado should be OK. The explorer might have a problem. I also had the STD tyres on (50,000 klm wear). this coused some problem in one big creek crossing (no water running), when I slipped off a large rock and bent the passenger side step a lot.
The track is narrow, with very limited opportunities for passing, and there were limted parking spots at end of track. Use you CB to check who might be in there, and co-ordinate as required. We did not have a CB, and were lucky. 2 cars in there, just getting ready to head out as we arrived, and two cars at 2wd car park ready to come in on our way out.
In doubt it is an easy and rewarding walk from main car park.
As I said, this infor is three years old.
Don't miss a drive on beach at Strahan, is a definite must for late in the day.
Have a gret time,
AnswerID: 7917

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Oct 28, 2002 at 01:00
Hi, I recently received the following feedback from another site user and haven't yet added his comments into the site, but here's what he said:"I recently used your notes on the Montezuma Falls track in Tassie, finding them very helpful (as well as some other trek notes such as Bruny Island ).This was fantastic, well worth the effort, but a word of advice.......You should post on the trek notes that 4$WD camper trailers should not be taken on this track, as there is absolutely no room for a turnaround at the end of the 14km is very narrow most of the way, following the route of an old tramway.We did not have a trailer on, fortunately, but we ran into a retired elderly couple who did and they had absolutely no idea that they would not be able to turn around(even though the notes said there was a parking area(??)at the end. It took them an hour or so of hard slogging, in the mud, to get their vehicle and trailer turned around for the trip back down the mountainside..........Having been there a couple of days before them, we sympathised with their predicament!!! Also, the"parking area" is a spot about 200m from the end of the track where the narrow track widens ever so slightly!! we actually didn't pick it and drove literally to the end of the track and to the base of the falls, surprising some bushwalkers in the process.......we then had to back up to the supposed " car park" .
I know you're always looking for feedback and updates, just thought this may help someone else? Keep up the good work,Colin Rudd.And DJR, you will also see that we have given the trek a 2 car rating - you can click the cars to see the key for the ratings too.
AnswerID: 7923

Reply By: royce - Thursday, Oct 31, 2002 at 01:00

Thursday, Oct 31, 2002 at 01:00
I've hiked into these falls [tallest in Tas] many times. I always visit after working in Zeehan, Strahan, Queenstown or Roseberry.[Travelling school Science Show]. It's a lovely walk from the carpark. Got stuck after dark one day. Rode in on mountain bikes. My son and his mate could ride way better than middle-aged me! I was fantastic. Glow worms along the side of each cutting. Very hairy feeling my way in the pitch black, pushing a bike though. My thoughts on four-wheel-driving this track are that I wouldn't. I've done plenty of off roading, but this is a very narrow track with washouts not unusual. The trees may drop across at any time and the sides are crumbly. There's quite a drop down to the rocky creek. It is always wet and slippery. I haven't been there in summer. Each time I walk it, I think how rotton it would be to meet a vehicle. You would actually have to climb up a bank to let a big four wheel drive pass. Don't get me wrong..... it's a 4X4 track, but no scenery other than close-up bush, much better to see on foot or by bike. This from a bloke who quite likes four-wheel driving! Cheers Royce
AnswerID: 8083

Reply By: George - Friday, Nov 01, 2002 at 01:00

Friday, Nov 01, 2002 at 01:00
Are you sure this is the same track? Montezuma Falls is accessible from two directions with one being preserved for hikers (locked gate blocks unauthorised vehicular access), while the other is restored by the volunteers from the local 4wd club and that is the only 4wd track available to the public. There is no car park at the start of the “proper” 4wd track.
AnswerID: 8092

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