Saturday, Apr 30, 2005 at 09:35
Hi Scott
Sorry mate...jumped in with my xray vision without reading your post properly.
So, you have a 1hz with turbo in a 60 series, and it only gets hot when you need the power, or when you punch it.
You have checked everything i would have done, except one other possibility....the exhaust system. Its POSSIBLE, however highly improbable that a baffle has come loose in the muffler and is restricting exhaust exiting....This is only a possibility if the guys on the dyno thought it should be making more power....was it in the ballpark of whats expected from that combo???
Ive done a water pump b4 on these motors, and its not as easy as most....does the motor need a new timing belt soon??
Id suggest it isnt that anyway, they only leak or become noisy.The impellor is plastic, so it doesnt rot away.
Your radiator sounds like the most probable culpret, as it is the heat have addressed the heat being made, and the flow of air, so that leaves the surface area of the heat exchanger....was it cleaned out when the motor was fitted???
Also, if you want to speak to someone i know about this, he has a hdt in a 60, and might be able to suggest me on if you want his addy.