Friday, Apr 29, 2005 at 18:32
Dont understand why people cant get in, just take 10 sec's to register.
anyway heres a few points out of the threads.
1. Maximum lift on ANY vehicle newer than 84-85(to be confirmed) will be limited to 50mm, thats body lift AND
suspension. So a hilux with 50mm body blocks AND 50mm spring lift will be illegal!! All those 4 inch lifted Cruisers and Patrols will also be illegal.
2. Extended shackles are TOTALLY illegal (this has been Bulletin'd already)
3. Wheel tracks greater than 25mm from original manufacturers wheel track will be illegal.(already bulletined, but mentioned again)
4. Maximum tyre diameter cannot exceed the manufacturers Placard sizes (currently Bulletined)
All vehicles that dont comply to this will be illegal, un roadworthy, u can be fined by Police, and they will be enforcing as
I was told about something like this 12 months ago when i had my car engineered.
There was plans to change the rules so that insted of going to one engineer to get certified, motor, suspenstion, body,
seat and tyre changes, you would need to go to a engineer for each and every modiforcation. There for if you had 5 mods for that car to be engineered you would need to go to 5 different engineers classified for that perticular mod, and an engineer would only be given classifacation for a single mod.
This is to deter people from modifying vehicles as the price per appointment would be approx $1000- $1500 and most people would be detered from doing too many mods possibly at once or at all because of costs.
this is from another
I emailed an engineer the other day in regards to modifying trucks and what not in NSW. To which he gave me an interesting response about body lifts in NSW. Seeing as this is always debated as to whether it's legal or not etc.
Part of the email:
Quote:Please note that the NSW RTA is currently in the process of issuing an instruction on body lifts on 4 x 4 vehicles. This will impact on the ability to certify this mod in NSW.
To this I asked:
Quote:The Instruction on body lifts you speak of; Is this going to make it "harder" or illegal for body lifts? Or is it just because there are previously no guidelines in place perhaps?
To which the response was:
Quote:Hi Bryan,
It would appear from communication with the RTA that a 2" or 50mm body lift will be OK. Bearing in mind that it will depend on vehicle build date due to Australia Design Rule compliance. Also the 50mm lift may inpact on brake hose length throughout
suspension travel., steering intermediate shaft coupling etc.
The bulletin is yet to be released BUT there are issues as mentioned above and then it goes onto roll over testing due to increased height of the centre of gravity, spring over kits etc etc.