The White Lens..... cont....

Submitted: Friday, May 06, 2005 at 21:47
ThreadID: 22728 Views:2092 Replies:5 FollowUps:3
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Well, I had a play with my new lens at lunchtime today. For those of you that may have missed yesterdays post, I am the new proud owner of a Canon 70 - 200 L series lens, for my Canon EOS 300, and Canon EOS 300 D cameras.

As I stated in yesterdays post, I only had time to quickly look through the lens, and feel the weight of it.

Today, I took some photographs of my brother, walking around outside, as well as an adopted stray cat that lives on our workshop property. Both subjects were moving at all times, and I managed to get CRISP, CLEAR & SHARP shots every-time!!!

This lens is just, well....... fantastic. For a long time, I have been aware of a credo, that espouses something along the lines of.... "Get any camera, they all do much the same thing (film), but spend the money on good glass."

Just simply taking today's grab shots, and quickly viewing them in Photoshop, I quickly realised, that I am now able to get the same sort of results that we often see in photography magazines. Shots with clarity.

I will be learning, for the rest of my life, the art of composure, etc, but at least I can get my shots, nice & sharp. Colour rendition is damn good as well. I find I don't have to tweak very much in RAW mode with colour temperature, before converting into psd.

I have done my calculation for my trip away, as far as shots go, and image storage. I am able to take around 2400 RAW images, at around 6.9 MB each. That equates to 67 rolls of Velvia slide film, at around $30.00 @ roll bought & developed........ $2000.00.

Should be able to rattle off say....... about 110 shots a day. Bound to be a couple of keepers in that lot!

Cheers for now.....

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Reply By: Woobla (WA) - Friday, May 06, 2005 at 21:58

Friday, May 06, 2005 at 21:58
Hi Wolfie,
Iam celebrating the success you have found in the new lens and trust it will serve you well on your sojourn into the unknown, but more than that...I love the way you finessed the savings into the thread in case Tracey sees it. Love it!!
AnswerID: 110092

Reply By: Des Lexic - Friday, May 06, 2005 at 22:04

Friday, May 06, 2005 at 22:04
I have a new theory on Wolfie.
He is such an old woman (Taking disposable undies away) LOL that Tracy is the one who went out and bought her Ianona the lense for Mothers Day.
AnswerID: 110093

Reply By: Matt (W.A.) - Friday, May 06, 2005 at 22:06

Friday, May 06, 2005 at 22:06
That’s totally a great Value for Money Purchase in My Books; you gotta spend money to save money don’t ya?? Well isn’t that how most women think? Tracey should be thanking you in no time!!!!
AnswerID: 110095

Follow Up By: Member - Smocky (NSW) - Friday, May 06, 2005 at 22:40

Friday, May 06, 2005 at 22:40
Yeh, that's a very good point.

Wolfie, I don't care how much you spent, HOW MUCH DID YA SAVE???

My wife's forever coming home saying, I saved $60 today! I say how did you do that, and she replies that these shoes she's wearing were half price. I can never figure that one out and I did a degree in Maths at RMIT !!!!!!

Well done.

FollowupID: 366680

Reply By: GOB & denny vic member - Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 07:49

Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 07:49
goodday white wolfie
just a quick question
as i read your post i take it you are getting your films put on to slides
these days i get mine put onto cd so that i can play around with the photos at my leisure and print out my own 8x10 of what i consider reasonable piccys .i presume with all your computor gear you have a laptop mine goes on all trips so that i can download my digi pics and if the lap top is in a good frame of mind i can burn straight to cd again so that i can look and play when i get home
when i get the film developed i have to get a set of photos as well cause the missus likes to show them around but i find at home its easier to put the cd in the dvd player and have a film show that way and the only storage problems i have is for cd,s not lots of slides or photos..

AnswerID: 110119

Follow Up By: GOB & denny vic member - Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 07:50

Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 07:50
PS how long now before you leave on your trip

FollowupID: 366702

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 08:48

Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 08:48
Steve, I am running 2 cameras. One is a film camera, and doesn't see the light of day that much.

The other one is digital.

I store my images on an iPod whilst travelling, then download them onto my laptop.
When the laptop is running out of room, I connect a Fire Wire 200 GB drive to it, and upload them onto that.

I have just woken up, so according to my calculations, and having no afternoon naps..... I go away in 4 sleeps.


FollowupID: 366708

Reply By: Glenno - Sunday, May 08, 2005 at 11:31

Sunday, May 08, 2005 at 11:31
Hiya Wolfie,

Do yourself a favour and buy a copy of "VelviaVision"

Velvia vision

This will blow out the colours in your digital negative in the same way Velvia does on your slides.

I still run two bodies, a Nikon F80 loaded with Velvia or Astia, and the Nikon D70.

I also picked up a 50mm 1.8 Nikkor lens. These are dirt cheap in both Canon and Nikon brands and take very high quality photos. They are very simple hence you can get them for under $200. Very narrow depth of field so shooting wild flowers and the like result in excellent pics.

I am eyeing off the Nikkor version of your Canon white lens, mmmm thinking more of it now :)

Few pics of mine on Glenno.Com Ive blown the Velvia slides and 6MP digital files up to 60cm*40cm and the clarity is excellent.

AnswerID: 110279

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