2 Q's? Solar Panel & MAD Fuel prices

Submitted: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 19:42
ThreadID: 22861 Views:3061 Replies:4 FollowUps:4
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Hi Oztrekkers

I have been given a "BP Photovoltaic Generator" solar panel, 400 x 500mm.
I was thinking that it might be ok to supply a top-up charge to a shed stored battery, until I install it in the 4by, (couple of months maybe) Any suggestions as to this being a good/bad idea and how should I set it up if it's ok to do?

Whats with the prices of fuel???:o( On the home trip today ULP 101.9/ D 119.9???? Whats going on, can anyone make some sense of these rediculous price differences?

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Reply By: Member - Toonfish - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 19:53

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 19:53

so not fair
short term shed setup may be costlyfor mains conversion.
AnswerID: 110682

Follow Up By: Wisey (NSW) - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 20:06

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 20:06

Was given to a work colleagues son who didn't have a use for it so lucky me , IF I can make a use for it.::)))

Until I instal battery into car, could this solar panel supply a topup charge to keep battery in usable order?

FollowupID: 367131

Reply By: Lone Wolf - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 20:40

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 20:40
Looks like a 20 watt panel, given the size. Mine is an older BP Solarex, and it's about that size.

It's permanently mounted on the roof of one of my vehicles, and runs a charge into a Waeco RAPS ( Remote Area Power System ), which, is a wank name for....... BATTERY!!!

Anyway, it does a good job. Just by a regulator from DSE, one of those 20 amp ones, and connect it so you are using the diode built into the rear of the panel, then it won't discharge in the dark.

Good work.....

AnswerID: 110697

Follow Up By: Wisey (NSW) - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:22

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:22
Hi Wolfie

Thanks for the reply. Am I correct to say it will give sufficent charge in good conditions?
All new to solar, so is the diode blatantly visible or hidden in there somewhere? Is the diode the "silver grid" connecting all the little semi circles together and then to the wires?

FollowupID: 367146

Follow Up By: Lone Wolf - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:33

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:33
If, if it's a 20 watt panel, the theory goes, that it could give up to 1.6 amps in good sunlight, which is a good amount of power. If you were camping at one spot, and say using 2 11 watt fluro's, for about 4 hours each night, the theory says it should keep up.

Now, if it's a BP panel, it will have a small plastic black box on the rear at the top. Remove the cover, and there should, or should I say could, be 3 terminals. One for Negative, and the other one for positive. The third one is also for positive, but through a small diode ( electronic valve ). Now, this is what is on mine, so yours could be waaaay different. The principles are much the same. If the panel doesn't have an inbuilt diode, get one along with the regulator.

I know, for a fact, that you will get a few replies here, from people who deal with this stuff all the time, see what they say, I am only telling you my set-up.

Don't be put off by the small size of the panel either.........$300.00............


FollowupID: 367151

Reply By: Exploder - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:05

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:05
On the Diesel price thing, did a Google . In the USA they are taxed more on it apparently. The US pay about 2.30 a gallon for diesel

Found this little bit of info

(wholesale prices for diesel (and other fuel products) are based on an import parity system, which means that international supply and demand for the product has a significant influence on the price paid by local consumers
Central to the price of petrol on Western Australian streets is the price that petrol is selling for overseas.
Successive Commonwealth Governments since 1977 have adopted an import parity pricing policy to determine national pricing levels for all motor fuels.
This means that the domestic price for petrol in Australia is linked to international petrol prices to ensure that local refiners will not sell offshore to obtain higher prices.
Under Australia's import parity policy Singapore is used as the price benchmark for most fuel because of its proximity and because it is the largest refining center in the region. The LPG benchmark is set in Saudi Arabia.
The Singapore benchmark can be impacted by supply and demand issues, such as the general availability of petrol on the world market.)

Considering diesel is the first of the catalytic cracker should still be cheaper but.

The price of diesel is why I would think twice about buying a diesel Patrol or land cruiser; the extra cost you pay for the car and the fuel just isn’t worth the benefits I think anyway.

AnswerID: 110706

Follow Up By: Wisey (NSW) - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:31

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 21:31

Thanks for that info but if dsl is cheaper to process and yet today it's 18cpl dearer than fuel that is expensive to process, Totally baffled. The only good for a dsl is k's out of a tank. I've not long purchased my dsl Lux so I'll have to put-up.
FollowupID: 367148

Reply By: Mainey (WA) - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 22:36

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 22:36
as you are new to solar and I can't see what you have, I would be loath to tell you what to do, I know what I would be doing, my advice is to take the panel to a solar shop and ask the guy to show you where to fit the battery wires, because he will be selling it to you, into the back of the panel. Ask him if the panel has a blocking diode fitted, if not get it installed, I have two, but I have a different wiring system to you, they cost next to nuthin.
As to a solar regulator, I would not buy one with the panel of that size, I used a 80 watt panel for seven years without a regulator and without damaging the batteries, I would run a small light or radio off the battery while it is in 'storage' to allow it to be cycled.
Remember to measure the length of wire required and get the correct size battery terminal ends fitted to the other end of the wires, use 6mm minium, (9mm better)

Put the panel in the sun on the shed roof an the battery nearby in the shed.
Fit the panel to the roof, facing the sun when at mid-day then drop the bottom about 15 degrees. If you have access to a multimeter check the current going into the battery, and adjust the angle of the panel to the highest figure, then leave it alone.
If you believe you need a regulator the spend some money and buy a three stage one
… not an on/off one.

Welcome to the world of solar power and the end of flat batteries.
AnswerID: 110732

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