fan belt - gu '98
Submitted: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 20:57
This Thread has been Archived
Member - Troy
Okay... not very mechanically minded so you'll have to forgive me for this one...
The GU is close to the 200,000 mark and apparently the fan belt needs replacing...
Just wondering what sort of money i'd be talking about to have it replaced and if I got a mate to do it... how hard is it (considering how clustered everything is under the bonnet of the GU)...
Reply By: dublediff - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 21:23
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 21:23
I had
mine changed at the ford dealership (doh)! they took 3 hours. I expect that some inside knowlege will go a long way. do yourself a favor and have nissan do it for you. And before you ask, no, I did not pay for the ford job.
Reply By: Exploder - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 21:49
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 21:49
Gday troy
Mate it is not expensive and pretty simple. Does the GU have one belt (one big long belt) or mutable belts (3 or more little ones)? AS they each have a different way of getting them off and on, the mono belt is easy to remove but can be a pain getting it back on. If it has Mutable belts they are easy to get off and on but getting the tension right can be a pain.
If you mate does not have the time and you don’t want to pay for it to be done. Buy the new belts, Then cut the old ones, call the RAC or equivalent (If you are a member) explain to them that the old ones gave up the go and get them to do it for free!
One of my Mates did this on his cruiser when one broke and he thought stuff it may as
well get them all done.
P.S The guy will not be impressed, will probably give u a big lecture about how you are not meant to do that and like hell all of the belt’s broke at the same time.
Reply By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 22:42
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 22:42
G'day Troy,
Mate, my philosophy has always been to teach myself how to do these sorts of fixes (ie: belt and hose replacement etc) as it is not much benefit to you if you need to change one half way across the Gunbarrel Hwy etc.
Same thing as you should do with your jack and wheels etc. I always make sure the wheel nuts are able to be removed with the
tools I carry and I spend a lot of time underneath my Patrol "getting aquainted" with what the undercarriage looks like...........makes it much easier to recognise when something is wrong etc etc.
By all means get your mate to help you, but make sure you know what to do....don't just be his go-fa and making his coffee etc.
Reply By: V8Diesel - Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 11:22
Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 11:22
The key to multi belt GU's is to access the PS and AC belts via front left mudguard (behind the rubber skirt). No need to remove wheel, just park left hand down.
You'll need to use 3/8" drive socket set (1/2" too big) and you'll require all the extensions (one extra makes it easier still) and one 'uni-joint' angle drive to get to one of the tensioning bolts easily.
One of the tensioners uses a 14mm nut in the centre of the little wheel which you'll need to access to tighten. I think a ringy-open ender with another threaded through for leverage will reach to outside the vehicle from memory.
The radiator cowling has an 'in vehicle' removeable lower section which makes life much easier to thread the old belts out and the newies in. Make sure you've put it back properly as it is easy to miss some of the fiddly catches.
BTW...DON'T use Bosch belts, they are crap. The Dayco 'Top Cog' in the blue packs are best.
Hope this helps.
Reply By: Peter Guy - Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 14:36
Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 14:36
Hi, is your 98 Patrol a petrol or 2.8 diesal?
I have a 2.8 TD and done over 230,000 ks.
There are 2 fan belts on the alternator.
An AC belt and a power steer belt.
If you are going to change the alt belts you have to remove all the belts.
So you should replace all 4 while you are at it.
It is not hard to do - just time consuming but a good experience as you may have to do it out in the bush.
Keep your old belts for spares.
The Alt belt is a non standard size and I had to buy
mine from Nissan.
Ofcourse they are expensive!!!
I hope this is of some help.
Follow Up By: Patrol22 (Queanbeyan - Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 17:38
Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 17:38
I have a 98 2.8tdi and got all the belts at REPCO - pretty easy to change most but the power steering one is a bugger. Do this one first as you will probably need to remove the fan and pulleys to get this belt into position.
Reply By: Member - Troy - Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 16:08
Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 16:08
Thanks for all the help guys :)
Will probably give it a go myself and get someone knowledgable to stand by :P