Anti 4WD sentiment - WE PAY THEIR WAGES!
Submitted: Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 13:48
This Thread has been Archived
I have just read the coroner's report into the death of five-year-old Bethany Holder at
Pittwater House School in Collaroy and the quote "I am not going to let arrogant people who think that the roads belong to them and who think that they should be able to take their kids right to the door step to drop them off get away with it" is one which has drawn very little comment.
The Coroner's Departments are a public service which are funded by our taxes and their charter is to investigate all "reportable" deaths and determine, if possible:
the identity of the deceased
how the death occurred
the cause of death
the details needed to register the death with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, and
the identity of anyone who contributed to the cause of death, but cannot deal with any criminal charges that arise - these are matters for the criminal courts.
A coroner may:
comment on any matter connected with a reportable death, including issues of public health and safety or the administration of justice, in an attempt to prevent similar deaths occurring again, and
investigate fires that are of public significance.
This charter recognises a need to provide a level of detached analysis and herein lies the problem with this report. They can make recomendations to Government, which may or may not be implemented, but this comment is out of line and way beyond their jurisdiction. The reporting officer obviously has an agenda which has impeded on their ability to perform the job fairly and correctly and in my opinion their abilities and the recommendations of this report should be questioned vociferously.
There really is nothing to be gained, except for self gratification, from voting in telephone or online polls which question the relevance of 4WDs in our community. If you really want to silence the sort of moral grandstanding which the Coroner has exhibitted in this report simply cut and paste the quote from above and email, or post it to your local member of parliament with a short note outlining your concerns about lack of detached analysis from the Coroner's Department highlighting the fact that this person's judgement is suspect in a relatively simple (but tragic) incident, and questioning how might they fair in something much more complex, as often found in the Coroner's portfolio. Conclude your missive with a demand that this person should be forced to resign IMMEDIATELY!
If you are serious about constraining the current plethora of anti 4WD publicity here is an opportunity to react in a manner which is constructive.
Reply By: Footloose - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:12
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:12
It's only the press that blow the coroners report out of all propotion. AFAIK, two coroners reports included suggestions for the compulsary equipping of all 4wd hire vehicles with epirbs amingst other things. I'll bet not many people know that ; it didn't make the papers or the TV.
Children are an emotive issue for our society, and boy don't they play on it !
Follow Up By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:48
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:48
In this instance the press quoted the Coroner ad verbatim, probably because the comment was such a belligerent, self-opinionated and inflamatory recommendation to government.
If we allow the press to continually propagate these type of ill-informed comments then we will be partially responsible for the inevitable prohibitive 4WD legislation, simply through our apathy.
Follow Up By: Footloose - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:52
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:52
I totally agree. I'm sick and tired of the masses being led by the chequebooks of the fourth estate.
Reply By: Member - Beatit (QLD) - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:23
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:23
G'day Wombat,
Totally agree with you BUT people will need to direct their concerns to the right level of government. I think the Coroner is State jurisdiction and therefore they would need to write to their state pollies!
Probably, also wouldn't have too much impact having people in states other than NSW writing because they don't vote there.
Kind regards
Follow Up By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:31
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:31
You are correct Beatit - concerns should go to State politicians, but hitting your local Federal member surely won't hurt the push!
With regard to your second point, sending an email to every NSW state member from anywhere in Australia (or the world for that matter) is relatively anonymous and will have the same impact as one from within NSW. They don't know where
mine comes from!
Reply By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:54
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:54
For those who need a prod!
Contact details for NSW State Members of Parliament
Contact details for Federal Members of Parliament
Follow Up By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:56
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:56
Now go do the voodoo that you do, so
Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 16:30
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 16:30
I just forwarded a copy of that to all the state ministers AND shadow ministers from your link. IMO the shadow ministers are probally the ones to pay special attention too as they are the ones more likley to kick up a stick about it to try and win browny points for themselves.
Reply By: robak (QLD) - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 16:53
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 16:53
I agree with you that that comment was out of line, but it doesn't mention any 4wd's. I believe the ANTI 4WD thing was just a beat up by the media, and not the coroner.
Follow Up By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:20
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:20
Yes Robak, The comment of Senior Deputy state coroner, Jacqueline Milledgeit is out of line and it pertains specifically to 4WDs as she stresses in her report that the inquest "was an inquiry into the safety of four-wheel drives . . . ".
Follow Up By: robak (QLD) - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:24
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:24
OK, fair enough.
Looks like she'll have to go then.
Follow Up By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:35
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:35
I like your style!!!!
BTW her name is Jacqueline Milledge.
Reply By: Richard & Leonie - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:36
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 17:36
As I said in earlier post, Michael Costa was not impressed with the coroners comments and he is the Minister responsible for roads so do not worry. Also how could the the women driver be disqualified for 3 years for negligent driving and given 250 hrs? community service and then the coroner blame the vehicle as being the fault. It's illogical. No disrespect to any of our female members but this coroner probably has trouble deciding what dress she is going to wear when she gets up in the morning.
I know I may upset some people however this has to be said and I am sorry if it causes pain to anyone. I would hate to feel the pain of the family of the little girl but the father also has to take some blame in not having proper control of the child in a traffic area. After all it was a
carpark. It does not matter whether it is a school or shopping centre
carpark. I see the same thing happen in shopping centre carparks where a small minority of parents do not have adequate control over their children when there are cars moving about the area. Kids do not sense danger.
Lets all vote Michele in as a coroner.
Follow Up By: Wombat - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 18:13
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 18:13
Personally I am not interested in any attempt to proportion blame for such a tragic accident. In fact, sometimes tragedies, both large and small can occur without anyone being held responsible (the events of December 26, 2004 are a perfect example). The objective of my exercise is to educate people who are employed in the public service and remunerated via our taxes, that they cannot use their elected positions to make such outlandish sweeping statements, without incurring the consequences. If we feel strongly that these public negative outbursts are unwarranted then we need to voice our position through the appropriate channels.
Follow Up By: Richard & Leonie - Friday, May 20, 2005 at 20:55
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 20:55
It's a waste of time to do what you suggest. Its not apathy that tells me this but 25 years experience of working in the public service. Unless she defrauded the govt, a bank or a friend of a minister, or commited a criminal offence (top of this is child abuse), or its worth votes your submissions will be ignored. All we can do is debate it amongst ourselves.
There is only one way the system will change, and note I am not advocating it but it's a revolution.
Raging torrents generally carry a lot of rubbish with them. Take up Yoga.
Follow Up By: Wombat - Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:03
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:03
Maybe we should get stickers which read "I drive a 4WD and I vote", Richard?
Follow Up By: Richard & Leonie - Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:27
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:27
Having regard for the fact coroners are not appointed by politicians it will not help either. Costa has already canned the coroners idiotic suggestions so how about a bumper sticker "4WDrivers votes Costa common sense". Not very good but then.... Costa I am informed drives a 4WD. How about going to the American system where I understand some Coroners are appointed by the State Governors. This would then make the coroners "words of wisdom" reflect more closely upon
the Governor's tenure. We could then tell
the Governor what we think of his appointed coroner comments. He who giveth an appointment can take it away, or something like that.
Follow Up By: Wombat - Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:43
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:43
My objective is not to have this silly lady sacked, Richard. Her tenure in this role concludes next month, anyway. As I've stated previously in this post the idea is to "educate people who are employed in the public service and remunerated via our taxes, that they cannot use their elected positions to make such outlandish sweeping statements, without incurring the consequences". At least those who receive a complaint may think before they too make such ill-informed statements.
Follow Up By: Richard & Leonie - Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:50
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:50
Point understood.
Follow Up By: Richard & Leonie - Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:57
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 21:57
PS look at post 23136 and tell Spratty how he can put a battery in the rear of his Frontera. I assume if you have three batteries in your Triron you must have at least one in the back.
Reply By: Rick Blaine - Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 20:46
Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 20:46
Seems that after the tragic running over of the 3 year old girl the coroner wants all 4X4 Drivers to have a special licence. This is the sort of thing that gets right up my nose, tragic as the accident may have been no amount of special licencing will a) bring the child back & b) prevent further accidents. One may ask where was the childs parent/s at the time the child ran onto the road? More to the point I'd like the Coroner to explain exactly how a different ( more expensive) licence is going to allow a driver to see what he/she can't see now ( I'd give my eye teeth for x ray vision). Surely a more sensible approach would be the compulsory fitting of reversing beepers & mirrors to cover blind spots. It may also help if all our coastline were fenced to prevent drowning or other missadventure. Sounds like a conspriacy with Harold Scrooby to me....
Reply By: Skinny- Friday, May 20, 2005 at 10:50
Friday, May 20, 2005 at 10:50
My 2c We should ban all school buses, delviery vans, people movers from schools. If there is no food, books or children able to get to school then we should have to home school our children.
Then if we are home schooling our children we should be paid teachers salary. Then if we can school them at home, we could also school them while travelling, what better way.
THEN we could hook up the camper trailer and go travelling. I could give up work and set up by a river each night.
Then I could stop daydreaming and get back to planningmy next trip.