A little off topic but since this
forum is so full of good advice, why not ask a question about a computer issue.
I have just noticed that I seem to have been attacked by a spamer who is using my computer to distribute their spam.
I use Norton Anti Virus, Yes it is registered and updated by Norton constantly.
It is set to scan all incoming AND outgoing emails as
well as all files on the Hard drive 3 times a week.
Every so often in the last 3 days I have suddenly seen the outgoing scan icon appear and a $hit load of outgoing mail scans occur, they are not going put from my out box (Outlook Express) but are certainly being scanned out wards by Norton through my computer, I also note the volume of upload and down load increase dramatically.
If I cut of the connection I get a message that says "You or a program you have set is requesting to connect to webadi.robobot.org or upseek.org and today a series of numbers ????????.org (Did not write them down)
I have obviously been infected by something and it is not being picked up by Norton, Spybot, Adware scans.
So can anyone tell me what has got me and how do I stop it and remove it.
Oh!!! I know it's spam as some of the stuff sent is rejected and Norton tells me with a rejection notice which has a Norton ID number that when I look up tells me its spam, I also get what appears to be a subject line in that reject message that says things that relate to porn and other obvious crap.
I have always been very very careful about what sites I access and I use mailwasher to also help filter my emails as
well as up to date anti virus and I have still been hit.
I really hate these ba$tards who set up and propagate this $hit, I own a bull bar and would use it on these buggers in a way that would upset Mr Scrubby.
Any help or guidance, web sites or down loads that anyone knows of would be appreciated.