Wednesday, May 25, 2005 at 11:30
I can give you a ph of a mate who has had FOUR go in ~12 mths..
...admittedly he bought the car second hand, it was bodged up we think, he rebuilt it, headgasket died, head warped.
Got another motor, put it in, that head died in 4-5 mths, and he put extractors on the other week, thoght he would do the tappets, ripped off the rocker cover, water in there.. ripped head off #3 this time.
hes talkin of a chev 350 implant this time.
"apparently" once you fix them PROPERLY, they are ok, but not something you want to have die in middle of CSR or similar. There was actually a rebuild/modified head for TB on ebay the other week (might be on there now), $900
... as you say theres thousands of em out there cant be all bad... but is it a risk you would take if you were tripping away