Friday, Jun 03, 2005 at 11:01
I bought my air tank from . But you can get one second hand from a truck wrecker or I've noticed ORE in
Perth now seel a rang of cool Ally air tanks.
I've just got the ol' Blue tounge hooked up of an ARB pressure switch.
But I tell you what you can do for a cheap fix. I did this recently to my brother in laws Dunnydoor. Went and got a set of those $19 supercreep auto plastic air horns and hooked them up in conjunction with his normal horns (so they both worked) and used BIG arse wire and earthed direct to the battery. Man it's actually very cool, that's one of the reasons I felt the urge to improve on
mine as they were almost as good as my last set (not quite, but almost).
$19 and about half and hours work is a lot cheaper than the air tank type setup, not as good, but it'll still make you grin.