80 Series Landcruiser

Submitted: Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00
ThreadID: 2367 Views:3813 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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I have a 80 Series diesal DX model landcruiser that is extremely difficult to get into 1st gear about 1 in 4 times. It is definately not the syncromesh. Someone said it could be a burr on a shaft in the gearbox. Has anyone else struck this problem? Could you tell me the fix for it please?
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Reply By: desert - Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00

Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00
G'day Indy, It is vitally important that you use the correct gear oil in that gearbox. Just any old 90 weight gear oil will only cause shifting and noise problems with the 80 series. Toyota specify a special and particular oil because of these problems. I think it is called "shift easy" or easy-shift, something similar, anyhow the dealer will know. I think it is made by Shell but marketed under a Toyota name. A little bit more expensive, but is a must have. However, if you have been running another oil, then the damage to baulking rings and synchro cones has probably already been done. Worth a try to drop the oil and see how it responds before you commit to rebuilding the box. They are not that expensive to overhaul at least.
Good luck.
AnswerID: 8517

Reply By: Member - Graham - Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00

Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00
Hi Indy, I've experenced this problem myself & know of a couple of others. Is it worse when cold ? If that is the case, what we did was use a lighter oil, one of us used transmission fluid, I use penrite manual gear oil extra light I've tried the light but problem still the there at cold
first start. Well a thought good luck.
AnswerID: 8528

Reply By: Tony James - Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00

Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00
G'Day Indy, I have a similar cruiser and problem. All I do when the shift to 1st is difficult is move to nuetral and let the clutch out, depress and shift into first. Sometime I just give the throttle a 'blip' and shift into 1st, (much like shifting a non-syncro box - as in road ranger truck box). Been doing that since I've had the car, usually only when coldish. Would not like to put 'lighter' oil or auto-trans oil in the box though.
HTH Tony
AnswerID: 8529

Reply By: Bob Y. - Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00

Thursday, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:00
Indy, Feel this is fairly common problem, but as you say, only occurs every so often. We have been using Shell XGO Gear Oil 75W-90 for some years, with no dramas. Please exclude the 79 series L/C gearbox done under warranty in May, and making noises again. From the Shell book, think the above oil is now XGO 80.
AnswerID: 8541

Reply By: Indy - Friday, Nov 15, 2002 at 01:00

Friday, Nov 15, 2002 at 01:00
Thanks everyone for your answers to my question. As recommended by a mechanic, I have tried replacing the gearbox oil with Castrol VMX80 with no change in the difficulty shifting into 1st gear. Similarly de-clutching into 1st does not make it any easier. Most times I have to completely stop the vehicle to get it into 1st. I eventually get it into gear my jiggling the lever between 2nd and the 1st slot position. After 3 or four attempts it goes all the way into the slot. It gets a bit frustrating at the lights!

AnswerID: 8550

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