Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 20:21
Just as you have placed your thoughts on this open
forum, so have I. No james i am not crazie, but may think you have a loose screw some where. I am not sure what lead to this rediculas reply, you must have some inresolved anger built up.
No i do not believe i am the guardian, but if i disagree with what you are saying, I have no issue letting you know, if thats alright with you , James.
I am not sure that you are all normal and since this is an open, public
forum, and i pay, i will read and reply to what ever i
dam feel like, if that is ok with you , man.
Just it takes alot to offend me, i just do not think that you think before you type, you are fairly new here and are welcome to have your say, but don be suprised if people have their say back. James if any needs a room for themselves, it is you, but maybe a padded one.