Were off

Submitted: Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 00:04
ThreadID: 23976 Views:1834 Replies:4 FollowUps:3
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Hi all, well the time has come and we are heading off at Midnight Sunday heading off to Googs track, Oodnadatta, Chambers Pillar, Uluru, West and East Macdonnell ranges, The Plenty Hgway then down to Bourke and home to Vic. 4 vehicles all Toyota and Ten excited peolpe
Cheers Peter A
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Reply By: Member - Blue (VIC) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 00:14

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 00:14
9 minutes have gone by and no "What, you're not taking a Patrol recovery vehicle?"

Have fun and keep it safe.

AnswerID: 116313

Reply By: Member - Peter A (VIC) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 08:25

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 08:25
Nah, haven't got enough room on the roof rack Blue, and yes we hope to have a great time Thanks
Peter A
AnswerID: 116317

Reply By: Member - Browny (VIC) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 09:49

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 09:49
Well Done PA

Happy Travells, wish I was coming.

AnswerID: 116325

Reply By: Member - iMusty (VIC) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 11:24

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 11:24
10 people. 4 cars. That's 2.5 people per car! how does that work out? You might be better off having 3 in one and then dividing the 7 remainding people into the 3 cars left over as such... 7/3 = 2.333. Hang on !! that wont work. Hmn what about having 4 in one car and 4 in another car and 2 in 1 car and none in the last car? er ahh none in the last car wont work either so lets try again. If you try 3 in one car and then divide the remaining 3 cars equaly then if you had say three cars and (if you had nine people left) that would be three to a car x four cars It'd be 12 people not 10 so I think you might find your figures are wrong Peter. Because you actually have 12 excited people not Ten as you say, but in fact it might work out because 2 of the people might not be excited as you say. What you may find better for the entire group is to put the 2 non excited people into one car by themselves and dividing the remaining people equally as 10 into three cars which is 10/3=3.33333 which is a bit of a bugger too. Member message me and I will come over to get you guys sorted before you go because it seems you need a hand and seeing as Im good at this stuff I am only glad to help. You might need that Patrol Blue was talking about earlier after all as you don't seem to have done the numbers right. You might actually need another person to add to the "excited group" and seeing as I am available and willing to go (to help with the numbers) on such short notice is only a credit to me, I think and you can reward me by doing all my camp duties for the whole trip and so you dont feel as though you have taken advantage of me I will allow the group to cover all my costs too. Now as you may or may not be aware I do not have a Patrol but don't panic. I think the 13 of us can fit into 4 cars OK anyway because you can fit 4 in a car and we have 4 cars and 4 x 4 is 16 people but I dont want to get stuck with the unexcited people so if we put then into their own car that will make 3 cars divided by 11 people . 11 is not dividable by any number except one but if we round it up after dividing it by 3 we will have FOUR X 3 cars and 2 in the unexcited peoples car which will make 14 people for the trip not 10 as you incorrectly stated earlier Peter. Give me a call because we need to also get the water rashions sorted out too.. I figure ... .. .
AnswerID: 116344

Follow Up By: Member - Kimberly Kruiser (WA) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 11:31

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 11:31

It might work better if some of the people are metric and some imperial
FollowupID: 371868

Follow Up By: Member - iMusty (VIC) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 12:02

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 12:02
That's brilliant thinking...

Very radical and 'out there' though...

I can understand 'it' but others might not.

I might get annoyed at THEIR incompetence and that would have ME in the unexcited peoples car. And that's somewhere which I'm sure you understand I do not want to end up.
FollowupID: 371876

Follow Up By: D-Jack - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 20:11

Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 20:11
I can see someone needing drug rehab soon!
FollowupID: 371924

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