Changing front diff oil in 99 Jackaroo
Submitted: Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 11:14
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Just recently changed all my oils in the 99 t/d Jackaroo except the front diff.
There appears to be no drain plug just a filler plug halfway up the diff.
All the rest had filler and drain plugs.
Just wondering how you go about changing this oil.
Also used a Castrol lsx 85/140 in the back diff but could not get the additive that was recommended by castrol.
Does anyone know what that additive does?
Reply By: Exploder - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 12:02
Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 12:02
Spud- it need’s to be sucked out the filler hole half way up the diff; you can probably buy a
hand pump from an auto parts store to suck it out.
The additive is probably a friction modifier. Is it a rear LSD?
Reply By: Willb - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 13:35
Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 13:35
Hi Spud, have just gone through the same excercise.
There is a drain hole, you actually have to remove the lowest bolt on the rear of the housing. I did it and nothing came out, I then had a little jingle with a piece of wire and whammo out came the oil. I think it was just a little bit of sealer filling
the gap.
As for the LSD addittive it is to eliminate "chatter" in the LSD diff friction plates.
Some oils have no need for the additive,
check manufactorers web sites for info.
Reply By: ol coot - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 14:41
Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 14:41
Spud09,The additive I got from Holden was Penrite Limslip Additive.Cost about $35.I made enquires at an auto parts place later and the price was about $14.Holden ripoff at it again
Reply By: Member - Banjo (SA) - Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 14:42
Sunday, Jun 19, 2005 at 14:42
Indeed re the above - the lowest rear bolt - its a manufacturer's compromise of course - the hole is small and the oil is thick - best to drain it overnight, after arun with the hubs locked ON to warm the oil up - of course, don't select 4WD if on the blacktop :-) ....... I have been filling
mine up to the hole (instead of the 1.4 L specified, but the rear holds about 3 L if you keep going ! That only leads to weeping and a wet diff housing in the case of the rear - the front seems ok if full.
Reply By: spud09 - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 11:03
Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 11:03
Thanks for all your help. I'll get in and change that front diff oil.