Bruce Rock - WA

Submitted: Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 11:37
ThreadID: 24018 Views:1990 Replies:6 FollowUps:1
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G'day all... just wondering if anyone lives/has been to Bruce Rock in WA's wheatbelt?

I'm considering a transfer with work to there shortly and am chasing any info/thoughs on the place...

I realise it's very small but that doesn't really bother me, so long as there is other places not too far with the essentials...


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Reply By: drogger - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 14:12

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 14:12
Haven't been there in for about 25 years

Check out the official town website:
You will also find plenty of sites in Google

Cheap land prices (council initiative to attract new people I think)

Merredin (about 50 km north) is a biggish town that should have lots of facilities.

Northam is a major regional centre about 100 to 150 k west

Perth is only about 350 k away

Lots of good touristy things near Bruce Rock (Wave Rock, Holland Track etc etc)

I like the area myself
AnswerID: 116537

Reply By: BenSpoon - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 14:19

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 14:19
Visited around easter.
Fairly rich in aboriginal heritage- the numerous granite outcrops scattered around are worth visiting. From memory the surrounds are rolling and open, with some nat parks scattered about too. Went cruising through a few of the national parks and didnt find much inside them, but still plenty of places to explore and check out.

Houses are cheap, its half an hour from merredin so you still get "fast" food, and at worst, its certainly within a fridays' night driving distance from perth.

AnswerID: 116539

Reply By: Morrie - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 14:31

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 14:31
Hay Troy,
I used to do seasonal work in Shackleton (about 30 kms from Bruce Rock)
Been in and through there a few times and think its quite a nice little town .
Its got a Supervalu store , butchershop and a pub what more esentuals could you want ! . Merridin is up the road a bit around 40 kms which is a pretty big town , Doodlakine is down the road a bit which is where Jimmy Barnes sings occasionally .If friends want to visit the train stops at either Kellerberin (about 50 kms away ) or Merridin. If you hapen to get along with the right people theres a few lakes around to ski on. I think theres a golf course there but there is definately lawn bowles at either Shack or Bruce Rock.
The only down side is it is bl**dy hot in summer and cold in winter .

Hope this helps
AnswerID: 116543

Reply By: Member - Troy - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 15:59

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 15:59
Thanks guys... it's sounding more and more like i'm going to get the spot... it's for 3 years so i'm going to have to think of things to keep me occupied :)

AnswerID: 116559

Reply By: Richard Kovac - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 18:39

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 18:39
My wife and myself have a weekender in Bruce Rock
Had it since last sep. it's a good little town around 700 people
good shops, pub, club etc. It has a high school and a hospital all that one needs
We use it as a base to go bush saves around 3 Hrs driving time from Perth



What sort of work do you do?
AnswerID: 116579

Reply By: Trekkie - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 23:22

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 23:22
Apparently Bruce Rock has the Smallest Bank in Australia - so I found out when I did a recent quiz
AnswerID: 116631

Follow Up By: Rod W - Tuesday, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:21

Tuesday, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:21
No that's at Shackleton.
FollowupID: 372173

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