Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 20:23
Stand-by to yawn...
112 is only officially supported as part of the GSM protocol, though it is also supported by Hutch & Telstra as part of their CDMA networks.
On CDMA phones, calling 112 is the same as calling 000, which is the same as calling any other number. If it can, it does. If it can't it doesn't. The CDMA protocol doesn't allow for emergency call differentiation or roaming, so if it can get signal all is good. If not, you're stuffed.
On GSM phones, 112 (and 000 by all newer phones) is treated as a different type of call. How different? It automatically and immediately advises the best available cell mast of its urgent requirements, using an abbreviated set-up system separate to a normal call. The cell will then provide priority resources for the call as required - dropping and refusing connection to new calls from non-priority calls if required.
In Australia, calls can be made to 112 (and 000 from most phones) at any time when a phone is switched on *even when your keylock is active * even with no SIM * even when not in
home network range * even when call barring or restriction is activated * even when a phone is SIM locked* you get the idea. Don't believe me? As a simple example type 112 with keyguard activated. DON"T PRESS SEND!!
In spite of what some believe, GSM phones cannot roam onto CDMA or satellites or CB or anything else, so no GSM network = no emergency call, whatever you call.
Overseas, 112 is good for priority call handling on every GSM network though acceptance of calls from SIM-less phones may be barred. 3G phones are the same as GSM.
Of course, in time of war or major civil incident a whole new set of priorities come into play on mobile networks. Those of you who work for certain areas of the emergency
services have likely registered your mobile to get special
infrastructure priority. Mobile network technicians also often aquire this privelege, ostensibly to dial for pizzas during civil emergency ;) Similar rules also applies to most Sat networks.
Yawn over.