Jackaroo Turbo Diesel

Submitted: Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 20:33
ThreadID: 24030 Views:1815 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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Hi there,
A recent experience with my 99 Jack: it was slow and also had some troubles with the injectors electrical loom: the computer generated faulty code was injector circuit malfactioning. In fact it was the very connection to the injector (under rock cover) wich was loose. As with the loss of power, a rubber tube to a pressure sensor was completely blocked by sludge. I was told that this is due manly to the EGR. The guys at Rankin Diesel in Baysawater VIC, were very jelpful and they are getting better with the Jackaroos now.
I hope that we may find this of use.
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Reply By: D-Jack - Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 22:17

Monday, Jun 20, 2005 at 22:17
Ovi, thanks for that useful info for us TD JAck owners. As you pointed to, there are few compenent Izuzu-specific mechanics out there, and it is great you found one especially given it wasn't a dealer ( who probably would have had the car for weeks and charged you thousands)

I may face a similar problem in the future - the injector harness broke during the changeover of injectors at one stage (prior to me purchasing the car) and the solution was to cable tie the injector wires to secure them. One day one if a cable-tie goes the injector wire may come loose and I will be in all sorts of problems, or it may never happen. Until then my TD is running a treat, especially now using minute amounts of acetone in the diesel.

Getting a 2 inch (back) and 40mm lift (front) on friday to compensate for one of the issues with the 98 onward TD Jack (particularly the transfer case guard) which should make for an even more capable vehicle.

AnswerID: 116627

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