Fuel pouring <span class="highlight">funnel</span> incorporating water filter

Submitted: Sunday, Jun 26, 2005 at 22:46
ThreadID: 24210 Views:4925 Replies:6 FollowUps:1
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being in the aircraft field this has always been a common problem. Back home I thought the same solutions can be applied to automotive use.

We go through about 200L of petrol per fortnight, jiggle syphoned from jerrys when as required. The potential of condensation build up is always present for stored jerrys where temps vary troughout the day/night.

Came across a fuel funnel that also fits vehicle fuel filler holes from the following aviation product distributer. Its called the 'Mr Funnel'. I use the following model:

F3C 140mm diameter



this is a personal recommendation only, and I am not associated with this or any similar company. I hope somone out there finds the product usefull.

It's so effective you can actually pour a cup of water into the funnel, but the only fluid to get thru will be the petrol. This is actually one of the suggested serviceability checks for the product.
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Reply By: Lone Wolf - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 07:20

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 07:20
Actually, this would be a good thing for me. You see, sometimes I ask Tracy or Rhiannan to pour me a Bourbon, now I can check to see if they are trying to make me drink less.

Could also use it at breakfast time as well. The girls have this thing about buying that damn low fat, watered down, stripped, and whatever else they do milk. Put that on your cornflakes... may as well have just put the bowl under the tap at the kitchen sink. I'm wondering though... how many 1 litre cartons to get a decent bowl of cereal?

Oh, I suppose I could use it for the car as well....

Tell me, does it also work with Diesel????


AnswerID: 117638

Follow Up By: tifino - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 11:28

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 11:28
so i guess your abstract theory is to pour that city milk thru the filter & all that should come out is milk - "by george (or wolfie) i think he's got it".
Coming from a farm it used to always bug me when townies will offer the options between fat and thin pasteurised stuff - I always say that all their stuff is all the same ( simply all just cold, white, and wet, water) when compared to the real stuff sucked out of the cow.

I have another theory: that a dinosaur is thin at one end, big in the middle, and thin at the other end.

Yes, it also works for diesel.

for more info see detail product info & pics with extra thanks to post by 'g-wizz'
FollowupID: 372994

Reply By: G-wizz - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 07:48

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 07:48
"The FUEL FILTER FUNNEL by Smart Tech, this amazing new filter in a funnel that separates water from gasoline, diesel and kerosene."
AnswerID: 117640

Reply By: Member - RockyOne - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 08:38

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 08:38
Thanks guys re funnel..I see Briggs-Stratton are Aust agents for this quality USA product..American products are usually a good bet re safety issues as they have so much to lose through the courts.( I understand that is why they stopped making those magic Cessnas..Some fool may kill themserlves) So,if B & S are agents,should be avail thru local Mower shop..(If only we could see insid the bottom of our fuel tanks..Had to drain my new rig tank at only 11,000km,my fault..Yuk !) Helps? RockyOne!MPG:6!
AnswerID: 117643

Reply By: prado-wolf - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:44

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:44

i had a Qantas pilot buying the funnel for me in LA and i tried the water/petrol mix and i can only say that i would not go bush without it anymore.

It really works and my duel filter funnel can take from memory 14 Gal. per min. so no problem at the petrol station.

AnswerID: 117681

Reply By: Kiwi Kia - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 15:26

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 15:26
A few yrs back aviation fuel when decanted from drums was put througha funnel that had a chamois stretched across the bottom to stop water getting through. It works well but I do not think that the car washing clothes these days are genuine chamois leather. Don't see why it would not work with diesil.
AnswerID: 117727

Reply By: Member - Bradley- Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 17:26

Monday, Jun 27, 2005 at 17:26
Yeah seen em at diesel parts places etc. look like a usefull bit of gear for travelling,

cheap insurance....
AnswerID: 117748

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