GPS format conversions

Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 08:48
ThreadID: 25657 Views:2532 Replies:5 FollowUps:5
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One for the GPS experts.... Did a trek last year up the track to Kalumbaru and used my Garmin 276c to track the journey. We diverted somewhere near the Carson River and headed East then North towards the King George River. From our final camp we walked in to the top of King George Falls. I have the track of the trip up to our last camp and then used my Lowrance map 100 for the walk. I still have the track saved and now wish to transfer it to my Garmin and overlay it on OziExplorer. I have the Lowrance software to download but it saves it in *.low format which is not much help in the other programs.

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Reply By: Member - Luxoluk - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 08:56

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 08:56
Not an authority on this but my suggestion would be to download both logs into OziExplorer which will give you a common format for both logs?? Cheers
AnswerID: 125518

Reply By: Member - Jay Gee (WA) - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 09:28

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 09:28
OK - now for the troubleshooting

The Garmin 276c
Is the track still on the GPS?
If not - what program was used to download it and what format is it in?

The Lowrance map 100
Is the track still on the GPS?
If not - what program was used to download it and what format is it in?

(1) Re-unload tracks from both GPS's with a common program (such as OziExplorer) and combine into one file
(2) If track not still on GPS - use whatever software you originally used to download the tracks - put them back on each individual GPS - and go back to step "1"

There is a possible option "3" - but maybe we don't need to explore that one yet.


AnswerID: 125523

Follow Up By: Member - George (WA) - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 12:39

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 12:39
Have you tried saving your track files as a text (TXT) file
Then import these text files into Oziexplorer, it accepts text files
Just a suggestion
FollowupID: 380270

Follow Up By: Member - GeeTee (NT) - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 16:54

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 16:54
Hi Jeff,

See my reply below.

I think I sort of did what you had sugested.

FollowupID: 380309

Reply By: Willem - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 09:33

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 09:33
Yes download the track from your GPS on to Oziexplorer. I have done it once but can't quite remember how I did it lol

Good trip in to King George Falls. We camped at the Drysdale River on Carson River Station in 1987 and drove to the Falls from there. A mustering track in to the area had only been completed a month before. The last 6km in took 3 hours in a Suzuki and a kackeroo. From where we stopped was only a five minute walk to the falls. Magic spot.
AnswerID: 125525

Follow Up By: Member - GeeTee (NT) - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 16:51

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 16:51
Great trip. We Also camped on the Drysdale then drove, or rather picked out way through the trees, to a spot about 7KM's from the falls on the river where we camped then walked the last bit from there. Great experience that not too many people have had. Most see the falls from below or from the air.

FollowupID: 380308

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 11:55

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 11:55
If you want to send me a copy of the .low file and I will let you know how to import it to OziExplorer or other program if it can easily be imported. I have not seen a .low file before so it would be very interesting to know what format it is in.
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AnswerID: 125551

Reply By: Member - GeeTee (NT) - Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 16:40

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2005 at 16:40
Have solved the problem, I think.

I found that I could use G7ToWin to download the track file

What I did not realise until I looked a bit closer at the menu options in that program is there is a dropdown that allows you to download the track file from the GPS and save it into Mapsource direct (Garmin download prog.) It will only work if you have Mapsource running and a blank file open. You can then rename the file and save it. Problem is it combines all the data (both saved files). If you open the "list" file from the track drop down you can select one of the tracks. This will allow you to download each of the saved track file individually. When you select the track you are given a wide choice of formats to save the track file as.

When I tried to use OziExplorer it gave me an error message with both the Garmin 276c (" this model GPS is not supported ) and with the Lowrance GlobalMap 100 (" fail to initialise GPS") I am still have a problem getting that program up and running.

The problem I then had was when I tried to upload the track back into the Garmin the plot was too large and it trunkated the plot and only gave me half the track. I then went back to Mapsource ( the Garmin program ) and altered the track properties filter to make it 700 points max. I lost a bit of info but it was still pretty good when it was loaded back into the Garmin. The computer based plot is OK with the large number of points but the GPS was not.

Thanks for the input from all.

AnswerID: 125586

Follow Up By: Pluto - Thursday, Aug 18, 2005 at 17:27

Thursday, Aug 18, 2005 at 17:27
The 276c is supported by OziExplorer but only versions 3.95.4f or later and I would recommend you use 3.95.4h or later because of some bugs with the Garmin USB interface.

The current version is 3.95.4i and the upgrade can be downloaded free from the OxiExplorer website.
FollowupID: 380483

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Wednesday, Aug 24, 2005 at 22:15

Wednesday, Aug 24, 2005 at 22:15
i was going to mention G7toWin its a purler
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