Friday, Dec 20, 2002 at 01:00
I don't mind being challenged, however you've got a few things incorrect - firstly, you state "Without magazines, you could be doing a fabulous job and no-one would know about it", what about all the search engines, the word of mouth, the trade show advertising, the flyers in 5000 desert parks passes per year etc. Not just all our readership comes from magazine adverting, in fact the real reason I choose to advertise in the magazines is to demonstrate to the equipment manufacturers and other "prospects" that we are serious about our business. It also helps the small operators who list on ExplorOz but can't afford to advertise in mags, by us advertsing then they indirectly get to advertise to magazine readers. It is a fact that the majority of equipment manufacturers still prefer the traditional print medium so if I can't beat them, I'll join them to prove my point
Re: cost of mags - its not just all profit. I know from talking to my sales rep that they have to produce a certain number of pages in each issue to cover publication costs.
And no, I've never been an advertising sales rep - I was an Ad Production Manager, which means I ran a Pre-Press department where graphic artists composed the layout of the advertisements. Our "sales" our done online, with a few followup done by me and David. I just don't have a sales force, but wish I did!!