Uniden v Digitalk Handhelds

Submitted: Friday, Dec 13, 2002 at 01:00
ThreadID: 2593 Views:1668 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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During a lull in the recent bushfires, we took the opportunity to do an unofficial comparo on the Unide & Digitalk handheld UHF CBs. These units are used as fireground radios- betwenn the hose operators & the tanker. They both had been used in last years & current fires & training days- subject to intense heat, moisture, dropped, stood on, sat on, etc. far more abuse than any 4WD excursion.
Using the tanker as a base station (the operator didn't know which unit he was responding- just alpha & bravo), we sent the h/helds in a troopy off into the scrub. Both have facility for ni-cad/ac but we put fresh alkalines in for the test. I don't know the models but the antennas were about the same length- and i think they both cost about $70 -$80.
On simplex to about 3km there was no noticeable difference. At about 4.5km thru varied terrain the uniden had better signal strength, but the digitalk was more readable.
On the duplex repeater (site of repeater unknown) from various location the uniden had a 6/10 strike rate and the digitalk 7/10.
In summary- they both performed very well for what they are marketed for and have withstood heaps of abuse.
Note. this is an unbiased unofficial non NATA test- and is for information only.
"Keep ya cigarette butts in ya vehicle"
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