water tanks

Submitted: Sunday, Dec 15, 2002 at 01:00
ThreadID: 2600 Views:1459 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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i am considering fitting stainless steel water tank underneath a gu patrol supplied by opposite lock approx $400.unybody tried these,does the water get heated at all as the tank is close to the exhaust
.thankyou in advance. any advise appreciated
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Reply By: Raymond Charlton - Sunday, Dec 15, 2002 at 01:00

Sunday, Dec 15, 2002 at 01:00
Hi Brian
I have an 80 litre stainless steel tank under a GU Ute. It sits on top of the muffler, but the water does not seem to be heated by the muffler. The stainless steel tank is a great way to carry the water
regards Ray
AnswerID: 9696

Follow Up By: Bob Y. - Sunday, Dec 15, 2002 at 01:00

Sunday, Dec 15, 2002 at 01:00
G'day Ray, Stainless tanks under Tojo 79 series, get pretty hot, almost good enough for coffee, if you aren't too fussy. Must be western Qld climate! Regards...
FollowupID: 5044

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