Patrol 4.2 petrol/LPG

Submitted: Monday, Jan 06, 2003 at 01:00
ThreadID: 2823 Views:3835 Replies:5 FollowUps:3
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Can anyone offer advice, I am considering purchasing a 1993 patrol
4.2 lt Petrol which is also on LPG,vehicle has done 150,000km.
Are these engines reliable and suited to LPG,what economy can I expect.
Is there any areas on this type of vehicle which I should pay close inspection to.
All advice appreciated.
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Reply By: OziExplorer - Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 01:00

Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 01:00
Just don't think it is going to be any cheaper to run than petrol at current LPG prices. If you are in a capital city, there is a greater difference between ULP and gas, but once you get out of the capital cities, there is substantially less difference, and an LPG vehicle costs the same to run as petrol. Considering you get between 25% to 35% less distance out of a litre of gas compared to a litre of petrol you can work on that. On a Patrol you will be up towards the 35% less. The reason why you are not seeing the all LPG Ford sell and little to no advertising for LPG conversions. Prior to GST LPG was a viable alternative financially.
AnswerID: 10698

Follow Up By: Stevo - Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 01:00

Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 01:00
I wholeheartedly agree with Ozi. Having driven a "gassed" GQ for some 160000km and kept substantial records I provide the following:-
average long term consumption on road
Gas- 25.8ltrs / 100km
Petrol- 18.4ltrs / 100km
ie. 29% greater fuel consumption on gas.
Off road consumption varies greatly with terrain but simiar %
Calorific value of gas is much less than petrol and as such it leads to a marked decrease in power to the wheels and despite what you may be told there is very little difference between the types of converters fitted in terms of power delivery.
In addition it is likely that the tank will shortly be due for testing.
It is not uncommon for gassed GQs to develop hairline cracks in the head, around the valve stems (this does not occur in non gassed GQs).
FollowupID: 5687

Follow Up By: Peter - Wednesday, Jan 08, 2003 at 21:25

Wednesday, Jan 08, 2003 at 21:25
Thanks for the info,your right gas was much more worthwhile until the gst got involved.
Regards peter.
FollowupID: 5834

Reply By: CLIVEB - Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 01:00

Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 01:00
I have a 1994 gq EFI wagon fitted with gas.
My vehicle has done 160,000 and runs well,these motors are very durable but I believe a head gasket replacement is not uncommon at our mileage when run on gas from new.
As with any gas vehicle they run slightly hotter than on petrol.
Its reliabiliy depends on how well the conversion is done,look also for the size of the petrol tank (you need 75 litres minimum).
The main problem with these vehicles is when out back touring,no gas and not enough petrol storage.
I am considering an engine conversion for just this reason,or the removal of the gas system and installation of a 145 litre tank in addition to the 75 litre sub tank.
For running around town and local driving where gas is available money is saved by being on gas.
In my case,driving to work only,petrol for the same distance would cost me approx $10 more each week (approx 350 km).
If you are not paying extra for the gas on the cars price, you have no recovery to make and can enjoy cheaper motoring immediately.
(equates to 22 mpg at normal difference between fuel costs,this you will never get on petrol in any patrol).
Having said all this consider a turbo diesel if you intend to travel australia wide. regards
AnswerID: 10711

Follow Up By: Peter - Wednesday, Jan 08, 2003 at 21:31

Wednesday, Jan 08, 2003 at 21:31
Thanks for the info Clive,do you run your patrol mainly on gas,should they be ran on petrol every so often.
I heard it pays to replace ignition leads every so often,helps to stop engine backfiring,have you heard this.?
FollowupID: 5835

Reply By: Truckster - Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 13:55

Tuesday, Jan 07, 2003 at 13:55
I agree with the others.

I know people who have scrapped the Gas system, as in the nowhere there isnt LPG, and they werent really getting any advantage...

Stu still has his gas system for a GQ forsale in the club magazine!
AnswerID: 10728

Reply By: CLIVEB - Thursday, Jan 09, 2003 at 09:25

Thursday, Jan 09, 2003 at 09:25
Peter, my vehicle is an EFI so it starts on petrol then changes over to gas once warmed up.
If you have a carby on the engine, occasional operation on petrol prevents the seals and washers drying out, and is advisable.
As gas is very dry, it has no lubrication for the valve seats,which is another reason for running on petrol once a week.
You should get the valves adjusted ,and do this regulary ( every 20-30,000 km) this way you can monitor valve reccession if it is occuring.
Most modern engines have hardened seats and this problem is not as great as with the old cast iron heads, but still should be part of your regular servicing.
There are upper cyl and valve lubricant systems available which claim to eliminate this problem (ie flashlube).
If I were you I would have the valve clearances checked as soon as the vehicle is purchased,if OK it indicates good maintenance,and should ensure no problems in this area providing the general health of the rest of the engine is good.
LPG engines usually have longer lives than petrol due to lack of crankcase dilution. regards
AnswerID: 10894

Reply By: David - Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003 at 13:54

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003 at 13:54
Buy a Diesel mate. You won't regret it.
AnswerID: 12891

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