Long wheel bases

Submitted: Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 09:09
ThreadID: 29355 Views:1745 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Want a Troopy. Only real concern is the long wheel base off road. We know it is a very capable vehicle but we are used to a short wheel base vehicle.

Any experiences apprec.

Safe travels
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Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 10:48

Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 10:48
13 metre turning circle, but they are a narrower vehicle.

My 79series (traytop) has a longer wheelbase than the troopie and a slightly larger turning circle again. You get used to it - take a wider arc when turning into driveway etc. And offroad, it only becomes a hassle when you have to do an extra 3-point turn here and there.

In short, don't worry about it - you'll get used to it.

AnswerID: 146529

Reply By: Rod W - Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 10:59

Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 10:59
It’s a bit of a fallacy actually. It comes down to driving skills. Admittedly some lwd’s are very low. You’ll rarely have a problem with a Troopy.
AnswerID: 146531

Reply By: simple - Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:34

Thursday, Jan 05, 2006 at 12:34
you could always do what a bloke in the willoughby area has done. put a 6 -8" lift in it.
but thats just a bit scary for my likings, especially with a top heavy troopy
AnswerID: 146554

Reply By: Pterosaur - Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 07:01

Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 07:01
Reckon my troopy is the most capable off road vehicle I have used in over 30 years of such stuff. (I had similar concerns to yours before getting my troopy, but no problems - except, as Phil says, the odd 3 point turn in strange places).

Get one ! You'll never look back.
AnswerID: 146935

Reply By: Big Woody - Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 07:34

Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 07:34
I tend to agree with all that has been said above.
Once you've owned a LWB, just the extra comfort and smoother ride alone will have you wondering why you didn't do it years ago.

Also off road I have seen many places where the extra length of the wheel base has made it easier to get through. I used to take guided off road tours and the number of times I saw the SWB 4wd's stuck trying to get up a sharp bank and couldn't because the vehicle would sit at a much steeper angle and be unable to climb and LWB's would get the front wheels across to the solid ground and be able to pull the rear whells up the bank.

Everyone is different though and it still depends on the type of driving you will be doing. The extra space for camping gear comes in handy too but you tend to start packing more in when you have a bigger car. Every now and then I remind myself that I don't need half of what I take away and go back to packing light again.
Just my thoughts anyway.

AnswerID: 146936

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