Submitted: Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 15:41
ThreadID: 29436 Views:2289 Replies:4 FollowUps:1
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Hi there all,
Happy New Year!!
I need some advice on a future purchase of an Ïn-Vehicle Vavigation Unit,
I have aready an old Garmin E Map unit in a cradle in the 4WD which talks to my PC & Laptop but is very Cumbersome to use LIVE when hooked up to the Laptop when on the Road or in the bush.
The Missus gets agro when she has to sit in the back seat so I can use it, hence we don't.
I have used the Oziexplorer software with the E Map & all works OK.
As the cost of these things are very high and there are soo many now to chose from..what is the best unit to buy which has the large screen, will talk to the Laptop (existing Oziexplorer 2D & 3D) and have the ability to use topographic maps, such as the Hema Desert Tracks etc and other standard street maps as well.
It is a big ask but someone must have done the hard-yakka research.
Appreciate a reply
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Reply By: Member - Alan H (QLD) - Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 16:49

Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 16:49

There are several options.

Go for a second screen such as a Lilliput screen (7 or 8 inch) which is mounted in the front (dash, sunvisor, etc) running from the laptop which is the back somewhere out of the road.

Go for a PDA (4" screen) and run Oziexplorer CE. These can be mounted on the windscreen/dash very close to the driver and can be powered from the vehicle and some mounts even have their own GPS.

I run the software on a laptop but find the PDA more convenient. So I plan etc on the laptop and carryit in the back. I use the PDA while driving and if navigation really becomes a problem, I stop and fire up the laptop and use the large screen to sort myself out.

I run the laptop from an inverter (pure sine wave) under my seat.
I run a PDA (Ipaq HX4700) mounted in an ARKON mount which has GPS and only requires one lead to the cigartte lighter for power. I still have the trusty old Magellan 315 usually set on distances etc as well.

Trust may help your dilema. Others are bound to also have ideas. Check sites such as this one for GPS advice and places such as Johhyappleseed or GPSOZ for ideas.
AnswerID: 147015

Reply By: Member - Garth (WA) - Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 18:55

Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 18:55
As Alan mentioned there are a whole lot of options. I have an emap in a cradle on the dash, connected to a laptop running oziexplorer and mapsource. Like Alan I have the laptop under the passengers seat and have a 7" Lilliput screen mounted in my case, behind the gear shift, that way I can see both the empa and the laptop screen and have a passenger next to me!
AnswerID: 147036

Reply By: RustyHelen - Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 21:37

Saturday, Jan 07, 2006 at 21:37
Why don't you just buy some paper maps??
AnswerID: 147061

Follow Up By: Keith_A (Qld) - Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 10:41

Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 10:41
1. Boys & Toys - gotta play to stay young (& they are fun).
(Plus, you need the laptop to download the digital pictures/videos).
2. Paper maps have never shown me exactly where I am.
Once you've been 'geographically challenged' (lost), and have used the GPS/Laptop to pinpoint exactly where you are - you are hooked.
(perhaps I am also too lazy to learn to properly read topographic maps).

But the technology does cost, and we are fortunately at a stage in life when we can afford it. When raising the family, there were other priorities.

I also carry paper maps, only in case the technology fails.
Both systems work. Regards..................Keith
FollowupID: 400525

Reply By: Bonz (Vic) - Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 15:08

Sunday, Jan 08, 2006 at 15:08
I have a Garmin60CS and it has its own maps, beeps at me to turn left or right, and talks happily to a laptop and PDA and works a treat, it doesnt have the hema interface but I think magellans do that, however for my money their interface isnt at intuitive as the Garmin. If you want voice command and have another $500 then a Garmin 276C will be a treat, still no Hema but an annoying voice will help u no end.
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AnswerID: 147183

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