Garmin and PDA's
Submitted: Monday, Jan 09, 2006 at 23:27
This Thread has been Archived
Hey fellas,
need some help.
Have a Garmin 60C and also own a IPAQ PDA.
Have no maps, but want to know the best setup to get the most out of them both... would love to hook them together with map software.
Please let me know the best solution for these two to be connected.
Reply By: Member - JohnR (Vic)&Moses - Tuesday, Jan 10, 2006 at 07:36
Tuesday, Jan 10, 2006 at 07:36
Nick I guess the Garmin has a powered bracket of some sort in your vehicle. Hopefully you also have the computer connection as
well. I am not sure of what powered system you have for your PDA but the one here for the Dell Axim has a port into the side of the PDA bracket and the manual has the wiring diagram for the port. Of course it may be particular to this particular to PDA bracket.
Mapping software is another issue all together. It is a matter of where you want to start.
You want to connect the two and I have summarised that but a Bluetooth GPS is about $100 or a bit more on eBay which helps overcome the connection of the Garmin to the PDA which is the way I have set up the systems. I have a Meridian Platinum too. You may find the cabling is as expensive as the Bluetooth GPS. :-(
Follow Up By: Richard & Leonie - Tuesday, Jan 10, 2006 at 18:05
Tuesday, Jan 10, 2006 at 18:05
I presume then you are (Bluetooth) connecting your GPS to your Axim and using your Axim to view your maps. Is the size of your Axim screen any better than a GPS screen? How much mapping can you load on the Axim? what mapping system are you using? Is the redraw speed on the Axim fast enough to use a moving map. (I am looking to set up a system and frankly do not understand it all but I am getting there using the previous posts on the
forum but you have raised some completely new ideas.)
Reply By: Pat278 - Tuesday, Jan 10, 2006 at 19:46
Tuesday, Jan 10, 2006 at 19:46
G'day Nick,
there appears to me there is no reasonable way to do it but;
I suggest you look at this unit
The Garmin 10, it will enable your PDA to do much more than your Garmin 60C and is very good value. I use it with an IPAQ as
well and Ozi explorer CE which is ok Arc pad would be better but the price of Ozi explorer is extreamly competitive. there are many
places to get maps and it all depends on what you need them for you can buy as much or as little as you like or buy packages of data. As far as storage of data is conserned you can just buy larger CF and SD cards and without a problem you can soon have the whole country stored.
Expenses (aproximate);
Garmin 10 $280
Oziexplorer CE $45
Maps $80 to several thousand depends what you want.
Obviously this option replaces the 60C but you will have much more flexability. If you can get $400 - $500 for the 60C which I think you might then it's worthy of consideration.
I find this setup fantastic, the moving map is great and fast, tracking marking etc works really
well used with Oziexplorer on a PC makes it even more functional I use it proffesionaly so need this option which you may not. Battery time is excellent about a week with the GPS and 10 hours with the PDA (as you would allready know). If you have any more questions just ask, or e-mail
hope that helps